Chapter 40-Life

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Lance stared at him.

He listened intently for all of Keith's story. For all of his words and his tears. For everything. He heard of Keith's past. Of his father. Of his mother's disappearance.

Where she could possibly be now.

He listened intently for all of it. Let the words truly sink in.

He broke away from the bone crushing hug he enveloped Keith in, and looked into his smoky violet eyes. He looked at the tears brimming in them. Watched them spill over his waterline.

Lance didn't have the chance to realize what he was doing until he was doing it.

He moved in, slowly yet surely. Keith didn't move a muscle, just watched as lances lips grew closer and closer to his until finally the gap closes.

The gap closes.

Lances mouth is on Keith's and Keith hadn't brushed his teeth since that morning.

Lances mouth is on Keith's and Keith forgot to put on chapstick.

Lances mouth is on Keith's and all he smells is jasmine.

He wraps his arms around the taller boy and lets his lips envelop him. Lances scent floods his system and this kiss, oh this kiss is right.

Compared to last time this kiss was everything that he needed.

Keith wraps his arms around him and for the first time in ages he feels wanted. He feels cared for. He feels loved.

Lance pours his feelings into him with his lips. He moves them expertly as he holds the ravenette and feels his cheeks burn with the power of a thousand suns.

He loves him.

He loves him and he knows it but he cannot say it with words. For now, a kiss, just one or maybe two, will help get the point across to Keith that he won't be leaving him anytime soon if at all.

Lance pulls away before his lips can get ahead of his brain and he looks at Keith, looks at his ruffled hair and the fire in his cheeks and the astonished look in his eyes.

Keith laughs. And lances heart is filled with boundless joy. He holds back on kissing him again, knowing it would scare the poor thing off. For now he sits in bed. And holds his hand. And they look at one another in the comforting sound of silence.

Keith gestures to come closer and he does, moving in swiftly and taking the smaller boy under his arm. Lance smells of jasmine and Keith smells of vanilla and all they know in the moment is each other

Keith rests his head on his chest and can hear his heartbeat swell in number, and he grins, knowing this boy is well wrapped around his finger.

Lance feels like a lucky man because Keith is new and different and while he's known him for a short while he feels him more than he's felt In a long long time.

There is life in their hearts

And their is life in the room they sit in

And while it's bland and boring and whatever Shiro had picked out for them to stay in,

It's theirs for the night.

Keith looks up at him and says softly

"Lance when uhm.. when are we free again to do this?" He asks hesitantly, nervous.

Lance lolls his head to the side tiredly and hums.

"Every night that we're not performing." He answers, yawning softly and feeling warm. He sinks down to Keith's level, sliding under the covers with him and opening his arms welcomingly.

He says nothing, just looks at him. And with a nod of his head keith slides closer and puts his trust in lances hands.

Lance envelops him in warmth, and they are full of life.

Keith feels lances hand fall down over his back, and he sighs, burrowing his head into the taller boys chest and humming softly.

Lance runs his fingers through Keith's hair

He's miles and miles away from his mama and his papa but right now he feels perfectly and utterly at home

With a beautiful boy in his arms

With life in his heart

Under the covers of a cool evening.

They rest. Tomorrow is another day. Another day with keith and his friends. Another day to spend with him.

It's good for Lance. For now. Forever.

He holds Keith closer and listens to his breath quiet down

"I love you" he mouths, but it's inaudible to the ravenette.

He's not ready for those words quite yet.

But Lance knows them.

And he knows them to be all too true.

~760 words~

Is it real updating your long lost FanFiction out of nostalgia hours?? Hey guys it's Atha. I am so sorry for falling off the radar but if any of you are still reading: here's chapter 40! I came across voltron insta again and was hit with a wave of nostalgia and the urge to write again for the first time in months. I hope you guys enjoy this short but meaningful chapter. I've been wanting to put something out to you guys. Hopefully I'll be back sooner! No promises heh. I love you all. Thank you for your endless support. It makes me so so happy.


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