Chapter thirty one-the girl with the earrings, yknow?

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{photo by rasutoboi}

Allura blushed. She was very, very pretty.

The girl, Romelle, had stunning blonde hair, the most lovable eyes, and shimmery sapphire blue earrings. She smiled.

"May I help you with anything, Miss?" She said, not recognizing Allura from the team. She seemed so blissfully unaware that she was standing in front of the most talented knife thrower out there.

Allura blushed and blinked her eyes, chuckling nervously. She looked back to Lance, pleading for help with her eyes.

Lance held his bags and cocked his eyebrow, smirking. He mouthed the words
"Flirt" to Allura before stalking off to another section, browsing the nightwear.

Romelle stood there patiently, a cheerful smile on her cheeks as she waited for Allura.

"Y-yes, actually. I would like your help."

Romelle smiled happily.
"What would you like? I can help you find more clothes. Do you have a boyfriend? I could find something to his liking. Was he your boyfriend?" She said. Romelle was obviously very talkative. Lance chuckled from the other side of the store, Allura quickly assuring her that Lance wasn't her boyfriend.

Romelle chuckled.
"Well. Let me know when you need anything." She said. Allura blushed.
"I need your help still!"

Romelle looked back.

"With what?"

Allura swallowed thickly.

"G-getting your phone number."

Lance smiled. It was a weak attempt, but still very cute.

Romelle's cheeks bloomed pink, and she gladly gave Allura her phone number.
"Will that be all?"

Allura smiled and nodded her head. Romelle smiled back.

"See you later." She smiled, waving and walking to help another customer. Lance popped out from behind a lingerie rack, smiling. Allura smiled back, triumphantly holding the heart shaped sticky note.

"I did it!"

"You did it."

Lance smiled at her.
"Now can we get out of here? It's violently pink." He smiled. He held up the bag. He had paid while Allura wasn't looking, stealing away her attempt to gift Lance again.

She only chuckled.
"Yeah. Let's go."


Hours later, Lance was back on the train. Allura was making a phone call, and everybody was heading back to meet up again. Lance was neatly removing the tags and hanging up his new clothing, smiling happily and humming.

He held up the pink and white striped bag, cheeks pink. What did Allura even select for him anyway? He opened up the bag and immediately blushed, closing it up and stuffing it on the top shelf of his closet.

"Maybe another day." He blushed.

"Another day for what?"

Lance went pinker, closing his closet doors and smiling nervously.
"Nothing! Yknowww just another day! Another day in the life of lil old me, heh..heh..." he blushed deeper.

Keith raised his brows.

"O...k then.." he said, smiling nervously.

Lance gulped.
"So! How was the tech store?" He said, hanging up his button ups and making small talk. Keith smiled, surprisingly, and answered back as he crashed on his bed.

"Not bad. Pidge blew her credit card on a bunch of techie shit. I met this dude while I was there tho." He said, opening his phone.

Lance felt his shoulders go stiff.
"What kind of dude?"

Keith sighed and stared at the ceiling.
"Yknow..a dude." He grinned a little to himself. He was attempting to make Lance jealous.

"Brown hair..pretty blue eyes." He said, giving a solid description of Lance.

Lance was getting hotter and more angry. He crossed his arms.
"Well. Maybe you could go on a DATE with this..this..brown haired blue eyed..tan man! And have lots of fun all on your own!" He said, trying and failing to make Keith regret meeting this "tan man"

Keith smiled at him.
"Great. I'll take you out tomorrow then. Lunch?" He raised a brow.

Lance went deep pink. Then he remembered what the hell he looked like. Keith described Lance!

"I'll take that as a yes." He said, standing up. "Then it's settled. 1:30 lunch." He smiled, opening the door.
"Get your bags, were about to regroup."

Lance blushed, cheeks pink.

He had a date.



Keith was absolutely GIDDY. Not only had he used his smooth moves to get Lance to be jealous, but he got a date too! A hot date at that.

Keith smirked. Tomorrow was gonna be great.

"Hey Keith! Can you get Lance? We're heading to the hotel now." Shiro called, saying goodbye to Adam as he hung up.

Keith smiled.

"He's coming!"

And indeed he was.

~751 words~

My apologies! School has been kicking my ASS this past while. And this chapter is short :(


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