Chapter thirty two-Flexiboy and Mulletman

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{credits unknown. If you know who drew this photo, please let me know}

Lance stood in the empty bedroom, his cheeks bloomed an uncanny shade of red.

Keith had asked him out on a date.

Before Lance could even answer his proposal for a date, he had walked out the room, seemingly confirming the fact they had a lunch date the next day. Lance was a little..iffy..

For one thing: they had just arrived in Germany and had a show both tonight and tomorrow night, a hotel to settle into, and dinner plans. Two, the last intimate interaction the two had was desperately making out with one another, which certainly took a turn on their feelings for one another. And three, Lance was only so sure of his feelings today. He didn't even know if this "crush" he had on Keith was real or a spur of the moment thing he blurted out to Allura.

"Lance! Hurry upppp! Shiro's about to leave!" Hunk called, making Lance jump. He grabbed his bag, shoved some clothes inside, and rushed out, turning off the lights and shutting doors, heading out into the warm sun. Early fall. Summer was about to end.

Lance blushed nervously when he saw Keith walking with Shiro, the white, turning grey tufts of hair tucked into a ponytail. His hair was getting longer. He wished Keith never dyed it. It looked so mysterious when it was solid midnight.

Allura wiggled her eyebrows at him and pushed him forward, making Lance stumble and trip over his own feet, getting dirt on his brown boots. He pouted and bent over to brush the dirt off, but Hunk bumped him forward again and he landed down at Keith's feet, worn leather boots in his face.

"You okay?" He asked, crouching down and holding his hand out.

Lance looked up and felt his heart skyrocket into his throat, bumping against his Adam's apple and preventing him from swallowing.

The crisp autumn air brushed in Keith's bangs, allowing Lance to get a full view of his smoky quartz eyes.
Jesus Christ, Keith was handsome as shit.

Lance took his hand and stood up, cheeks warm as their chests bumped and knees clumsily clicked against each other.

"Thanks. Mullet." He said, insulting him jokingly and making Keith smirk.
"Anytime, flexiboy." He said.

Lance raised his eyebrow and laughed out loud, his grip on Keith's hand getting tighter as he looked into his eyes. Keith was getting taller.

"Flexiboy? Is that the best you could come up with, Kogane?" He laughed, making fun of Keith's poor taste. Keith's cheeks bloomed pink and he stumbled over his words.
"Y-you're flexible and you're a boy! Flexiboy, does it NOT make sense?" He said.

Lance laughed.
"It makes sense. It's just that Flexiboy sounds like the gayest superhero of 1983" he laughed. Keith's heart skipped a beat. Lance's laughter felt like real fucking sunshine dancing out from his vocal chords, and his smile was as if God decided to yeet a few miracles down from heaven and have them land in this boys smile.

Keith laughed with him. They started walking, not even noticing they were hand in hand at this point.

"That's true. Who would his extra gay boyfriend be? FireDude? Mulletman?" Keith flirted a bit.

Lance only laughed harder.
"Flexiboy and Mulletman!" He guffawed. Guffawed. Lance sounded like he was gonna piss himself, that's how hard he was laughing. Keith felt his own heart leap into his throat. This boy was doing things to him.

Butterflies batted their wings in his stomach as he listened to Lance's laughter escalate, until people were watching him double over on the sidewalk. When Lance's knees hit the cobblestone, Keith began to laugh too, until they both were crouched on the ground holding their stomachs.

Keith hadn't laughed so hard in such a long time. He'd never felt such joy as he did then with Lance.

He'd never felt so in love.

Keith helped Lance calm himself down, but knew they'd be giggling over it that night before their show, after their show, and late into the night. Maybe Lance would whisper "Flexiboy and Mulletman" in some dumb voice and send Keith doubling over again.

All the maybes he could think of made him blush deeper and darker until he was just about maroon. Lance held his hand as they walked.

And Keith felt happy.


The squad entered the hotel together after escaping the press, and Lance's phone immediately began pinging off with notifications. Since Lance and Keith had been holding hands when photos were taken, the "shippers" had been going absolutely CRAZY.

Now that Lance and Keith's fame has grown, the fans of theirs began piecing things together and inventing ships. There were already ships before Keith and Lance had joined the team, but they were weak ships with no real feul. When Keith and Lance entered, about five new pairings had sprung from the fandom, the number one being "Klance." The pairing of Keith and Lance.

And with every ship comes the shippers, and with every photo taken were people stripping them down to their purest and rawest form, which would link them to being in a relationship. It was fucking wild.

And now, the "klancers" were going bonkers in Yonkers after seeing the photos. Keith and Lance found it funny. Shiro thought it was a little creepy. Allura stayed as far away from it as possible. Pidge liked to fuck around with them. It was weird, but nonetheless, fun.

Lance pocketed his phone and walked into the elevator, cheeks still pink from seeing all the photos and "headcanons" the fans came up with. While none were true, they were very cute.

Keith chuckled. "They're crazy." He said, cheeks also just as pink. Lance nodded, their hands bumping together gently. The two blushed as they quietly linked fingers, holding hands with one another.

Holding hands. Seems like Keith and Lance had evolved from acquaintance into..friendship.

Friendship. Lance liked that. Being friends with Keith. That's what he wanted in the first place, to be friends with Keith.

The team ascended up to the tallest floor and got out of the elevator. Lance checked the time.

"Thirty minutes till our show?" He said, raising his brow at Shiro. Shiro nodded and smiled.

"Go ahead and get ready." He said

So lance and Keith went to get ready. Hand in hand. Together.


Guess who's baaack!


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