Chapter 16-tea

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{photo by Halloween In May}

Lance sat in Hunk's room, mortified.

Keith tried to kiss him.

And he ran away.

First off, DAMMIT. Keith liked him..oh Christ his roommate liked him..

Second off, Lance felt so mean for running away. He was really panicked at the time and just had to get away. He couldn't kiss him.

He couldn't kiss him.

He really couldn't..

Even though he wanted to. Just a little bit.

He helped Hunk beat his level in Mario Kart and got up. Maybe he could vent to Allura about this. He knocked on their door and Allura said to come in. Shiro was sitting in his bed, video-calling someone.

Lance got a glimpse of his screen and smiled. There was a boy there. He was cute. Soft brown hair, golden skin, and cute glasses.

Lance smiled at Allura.
"Do you wanna come with me? I
Gotta talk to you." He said, biting his lip.

He couldn't necessarily talk about Keith while his brother was right there. Even if he did have earbuds in.

Allura sat up, immediately knowing that there was tea to be spilt. Lance went into the living room with her.

"Keith tried to kiss me." He said, cheeks flushing hot.

Allura's jaw dropped.
"No fucking way." She said, cursing. It was unlikely for Allura to curse unless there was major tea spillage in her household. The two sat down together, Allura listening intently.

"So, I was sitting in Keith's bed, and we were looking at his Pokémon and stuff, when all of a sudden he just turned and looked at me and tried to kiss me." He blushed deeply.

Allura took in all the info.
"And you kissed back?"

Lance went red "no..I didn't."

Allura groaned loudly before letting Lance continue, voicing her opinion.

"Hunk called me..and I ran away." He said, hiding his face, ashamed of what he did.

"I shouldn't have ran away! I mean, I kinda wanted to kiss him back, but I can't start stuff with coworkers.." he blushed.
"Especially coworkers."

Lance sighed and stood up.
"Anyway, that's all I wanted to say."

Footsteps pitter pattered away.

Lance didn't hear.

He said goodbye to Allura and began heading back to his room, hoping Keith wouldn't be too upset.

Lance walked into his bedroom, seeing Keith laying in bed.

Keith was in shock.

Lance had wanted to kiss him after all.


The next day was better than ever. The team performed and had lots of fun in Argentina before they had to board their plane and fly to Europe. Lance was packing all his stuff back up, stuffing all his things in his three giant bags. Now, they were all heading to the airport to catch their flight to Britain.

Lance was getting dressed up for his flight. He had pulled on a baby blue dress and was currently sliding a pair of patterned sheer leggings on, adjusting his heels and smiling. He felt very pretty.

He was wearing a baby blue dress, shirt but flared out, plain and simple, yet fashionable. Under his dress he was wearing patterned leggings, which were sheer all through except for the patterned parts, giving his legs a sort of thorny pattern. His heels were tall and the same blue as his dress. He felt pretty.

Lance dusted some makeup on his cheeks and grabbed his bags, ready to go through the airport.

Keith looked ready for a zombie apocalypse. He was clad in only his old, black, fading My Chemical Romance hoodie, and his hair was wild in all directions. He had this sort of edgy, mysterious look in his eye. It was kinda hot, save for the fact that he'd been wearing the exact same sweatpants for a few days..

Keith sprayed some axe on himself and Lance gagged, leaving the room. He couldn't stand the unholy stench of the gross b.o + axe combination.

Here's a life tip. Shower. If you wanna spray axe, then go ahead, but at least be fresh and clean before you spray your axe. The mixture of unclean body odor and sweat mixed with axe doesn't make you smell good. It makes you smell like you don't care, and makes everyone wanna puke.

For the safety of yours and others, please just fucking shower.

Lance walked into pidge and hunks room. Pidge was in attire similar to Keith's, although hers was clean and she didn't smell of tears and regret. She smelled really fresh. Extra squeaky clean. Like how a science lab should smell: perfect.

Hunk was wearing a nice pair of pants and a good t shirt, throwing on his zip up jacket and fingerless gloves. One of those gloves could fit on Lance's whole head. That's how big Hunk's hands were. It was super cool.

His friends grabbed their stuff and started walking with them. Shiro was in his room, dressed up casually, but fancily, sporting some designer leather with his outfit. He smiled and hung up his phone call after saying goodbye.

Allura was in a nice pink dress, her long white hair tied up in a tight bun. She grabbed her bags and headed out with the rest, happy they were leaving. They all stepped out, followed with grumpy Keith at the caboose, and said goodbye to their trusty train, heading down to the car so they could drive down to the airport.

Lance sat next to Keith during the ride, staring out the window and watching the city life go by. He smiled as the airport came into view, ready to leave the americas and start something fresh and exhilarating in Europe.

During their Euro tour, they would be visiting England, Spain, France, Germany, Poland, Sweden, and Greece. Then they would go to some countries in Africa, and then Asia and Oceania.

Lance got out of the car as they pulled up to the airport, watching in awe as planes landed in and took off.

"This is gonna be so fun." He hummed to himself, getting all his bags.

This really was going to be fun.
It was going to be great.


Lance sat down next to Keith on the flight, who immediately fell asleep as the plane took off. Lance was listening to some music, watching the clouds soar by. So fun.

Soon, Lance got tired himself, and when a foreign weight dropped down on his shoulder, he didn't think to brush it off

Lance rested his head atop Keith's and leaned on him, slowly falling asleep

~1089 words~

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