Chapter 5-a day in the life of salty mcmeme

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{credits unknown}

Lance, Pidge, and Hunk spent their time in the back seat going absolutely wild at the memes they were finding.

Once everything went quiet, Shiro spoke quietly from the front seat. He had been listening the whole time.

"Can I get uhhhhhhh boneless pizza." He repeated quietly. Lance heard and chuckled softly, his laughs growing louder as Pidge and Hunk joined in.

The car came to a stop at a train station, and the door opened up. That's when Lance noticed Keith. He was sitting in front of them listening to music and facing the window. He was very quiet.

Shiro and Allura opened their doors after parking and stepped out, Keith and Lance following suit, accompanied by Pidge and Hunk. All seven stepped out into the sunlight.

Lance got a look at Keith. His headphones were ridiculously huge, and they must've worked really well. It's like he couldn't hear anything. He had long black hair that tickled the back of his neck, and he was short. Shorter than Lance, tiny, but flexible.

"Cmon guys. Our train has been stopped here for a while now." Shiro smiles, leading the gang into the train station. He presented someone with authority some sort of permission slip, and they all walked onto the closed off platform. Lance looked at the sleek, beautiful train, placing a hand on his hip.

"Damn. This is nice." He smiled, wanting to check out the inside as soon as possible. Hunk smiled at him, nodding. "Yeah. It's totally awesome." He said. "I wonder if it has a big kitchen.." he says, pondering on his own thoughts. Pidge yawned.
"As long as this one has good WiFi I'm settled."

Lance smiled bright. "It's amazing." He blushed. Shiro opened up one of the doors. "Cmon gang. Let's check out the living quarters, I'll give you guys the tour." He smiled, leading them inside. The first car was the lounge area. There were couches to sit on, a television to watch, and a few gaming systems. There was a treadmill and some yoga mats lined up by the wall

"This is the lounge. Well probably gather here a lot for pep talks and light indoor training. Yoga and stuff." He smiled, opening up another door, leading them into the next room. The next room was the kitchen and dining area. It was nice and large and homey.

Through the next door was one of the bedrooms. Inside was two beds, duh, a desk on each side, and dressers. It was bare, but that was expected. Lance smiled upon knowing he wouldn't have to move much in.

They showed the next two bedrooms, which were all the same, and that was it. The rest of the rooms were off limits to visitors. Those were the control rooms.

Lance sighed, loving the modern, homey atmosphere. The train was wonderful. His eyes drifted over to that boy, Keith. They would be roommates. It would be proper to get to know one another, right?

Lance walked over to him and smiled. "Hey. You're Keith right?" He smiled to the boy, sticking his hand out for a shake.

Keith looked at him, perplexed. Lance raised a brow. "I'm Lance. We're gonna be roommates. It's nice to meet you." He smiled, Keith hesitantly shaking his hand. He spoke absolutely no words, only nodding here and there. He looked like he wanted Lance to go away and just leave him be. Lance took the hint and walked off.

Ugh. What's got his panties in a knot?

Lance already didn't like the guy. He was rude and unpleasant and didn't make an effort to be nice like Lance did. At least he made friends with Pidge and Hunk, and he and Allura had a bit of a connection. Shiro was like a boss to him, but they were friends.

But that Keith guy? BLEGH. 3/10 only for his good looks. Not even good looks. Ugh. What-EVER.

Sometimes, Lance was that bitch. Most of the time. All the time if you were a nasty hoe to him. Keith was treading into "All the time" zone. And Lance did not want to waste his precious hours on acting like a bitch to someone.

The gang explored the train a little bit, picking out their bedrooms and seeing how comfy everything was. Hunk spent his time getting familiar in the kitchen, while Pidge began figuring out how the router worked. Shiro tested out the treadmill, and Allura found a good place where she could do her mani-pedi's in the afternoon. Maybe she'd find a friend to accompany her.

Keith laid in bed. Of course. Lance went into their bathroom, smiling at the wide counter space and shower. And bath. It was amazing! He would definitely have fun here.

Soon, Shiro rounded them all up and they left the train station, getting back in Shiro's family van and began driving out into town for their lunch.

Lance still wanted to get to know that Keith guy and find out what makes him so grumpy, but boneless pizza was just a little too funny to resist. He sat in the back and looked at more memes with his friends, chilling. When they arrived at the restaurant, they all found their half-round booth. Keith and Lance found themselves smooshed together.

"Boys, why don't you make smalltalk? You're gonna be living together, you should at least get to know one another." Shiro said, reading the menu. They had stopped at some Asian place. Hunk wanted to rate it for his food blog. Pidge wanted cold noodles. And apparently, Keith enjoyed flaming hot tteokbokki and glass noodles.

Keith looked up from his menu, he said something to Shiro in a quiet voice, and that's when Lance recognized. Keith and Shiro were speaking Korean.

"You're bilingual too?" Lance asked once they had stopped talking. Keith looked up at him, raising his brow.
"You were speaking Korean just then. I can speak Spanish." He smiled, happy they had at least one thing in common.

Keith nodded, reading over the menu again and ignoring Lance. Shiro cleared his throat.

"Ahem. kiiseu, neoui sae chinguwa iyagi hae." Shiro hissed, giving him a brotherly glare. Keith glared right back, not in the mood to talk. Lance shifted uncomfortably, looking through the menu and deciding on an order of kimchi.

Keith sighed. He noticed that Lance had picked out kimchi. That was one of his favorite dishes.

"You like kimchi?" He asked, a little surprised that the Cuban boy would pick something like that. He was expecting him to order something simple like gimbap or mandu, not kimchi.

Lance nodded and smiled. "Mhm. I like spicy kimchi." He said to Keith, feeling his earlier bitchy feelings go away. Keith was nice when he wanted to be.

"You like spicy food?" He said, surprised. No offense, but Lance just didn't seem the type to eat something spicy.

Lance playfully rolled his eyes. "Please. I'm Cuban. I've been eating spicy food since forever." He said, chuckling lightly as their drinks arrived. The waitress took their orders and left.

Lance smiled, making smalltalk with Keith about food until their conversation fell apart, too stale and brittle to be kept up for too long. Lance sighed, deciding to discuss with Hunk instead, listening to him rant and ramble about how good the food was here. He eventually forgot all about Keith.

And Keith forgot all about him.

Their food arrived and Keith watched as Lance ate the spicy kimchi, surprised. He really wasn't lying. Everyone enjoyed their meal before leaving, getting back in the car to drop everyone off home.

Lance sat next to Keith this time, the back too cramped for him. Keith ignored him, not making small talk, not having a conversation, just ignored him.

Lance sighed.

And to think that just for a second, for a single second in that restaurant, while he looked into Keith's violet eyes and let his imagination wander.

To think that just for a second that he was attracted to Keith.

~1348 words~

Ouuu, Lance is salty. Also, if anyone knows who drew that, plz tell me so I can give proper credit!!!


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