Chapter twenty eight-nails

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{photo by Elimnebe}

The day went just as smooth as any other on the train. Everyone was doing their best to help Lance out, and Keith stuck by him like glue, just observing his daily routine.

After breakfast, Lance did the dishes. There were a set amount of chores to be done around the house. Hunk cooked every meal and cleaned the kitchen, Lance did all the dirty dishes, Pidge cleaned the living area when it got too messy, Allura took care of all the laundry, and Shiro made sure all the living quarters were in tip top shape and helped clean around with everyone. Keith didn't do chores, but he sometimes made iced tea and lemonade to put in the fridge.

After the dishes had been done and Placed in the rack to dry, Lance went out and played video games. He and Pidge had been trying to beat this super fucking old game. It was called Apocalypse of the Damned, a bit-by-bit zombie shooter game. They were both stuck on level nine, the cafetorium. It was super hard.

Keith watched Lance's fingers smash against the buttons, his nails clicking and clacking against the plastic of the controller as he played. Once again, the two were met with the ugly "GAME OVER" screen they got every time.

After Pidge evacuated from the living room to go hide in her hovel, Allura came out. It was noon, which meant it was time for the two to remove their two week old nail polish and do them up again. The two chattered a lot while doing each other's nails, talking and talking as they cleaned their cuticles and dabbed alcohol on the paint to get it off.

Keith didn't understand a word they were saying. Allura's accent often got thicker the more she talked, and Lance was talking so fast he couldn't comprehend what he was saying. But the two seemed to be engaging in a wonderful conversation and could understand one another clear as day.


By the time one o clock rolled around, Lance was sporting a pair of bright blue fingernails. His ring finger had a little bit of glitter on it and his thumb, pinky, and pointer fingers had stripes of gold on them. On Lance's middle finger was the shape of a sparkly golden anchor. His nails were awful pretty.

Keith just kept his black. He never liked super fancy designs so he just went with black. Emo and stylish? Who knows.

Lance's routine seemed to be fun for him, but it was insanely BORING to Keith. He couldn't even understand what they were talking about. Lance looked up at him as he painted Allura's fingernails.

"Keith, wanna join?"

Keith was snapped out of his thoughts by Lance, who was carefully painting Allura's fingernails a light milky pink.
"I won't do anything too femme." He said, biting his lip and concentrating on not getting any on Allura's cuticles.

Keith bit his lip a little.

"You know how to do it right?"

Lance looked up at him and raised one of his brows, giving him a "really bitch?" Look. Keith blushed embarrassedly.

"Stupid question. Sorry." He said, cheeks pink as he moved himself over. Allura scooted, letting Keith sit between them as Lance leaned over, painting her nails.

As soon as they were dried a little, Lance coated them in a clear top coat and dried them under a UV light for a few minutes, picking out another color.

"Here. I have a shape stamper so you don't have to work so hard. I like little
Polka dots." She said, holding up the little stamper. Lance smiled and got them ready. On Allura's middle finger he stamped a white heart at the center, and stamped white polka dots on Allura's pinky, pointer, and thumb, painting a light glitter coat over top of it and drying them with his UV light.

After that, he painted pink glitter over Allura's ring finger and spread top coat over all of them, drying her fingernails with the UV light and smiling. Her nails were perfect!

Keith was pretty impressed. The two really knew what they were doing.
"Keith's turn." Lance smiled. He reached into the pile and picked out two colors. One a solid black and the other bright maraschino red.

Lance grabbed a little sponge and painted black and red on them, taking hold of Keith's hand. Allura had already coated around his cuticles with a bit of that pink peel off stuff.

Lance sponged the two colors onto his fingernails, making them appear a black to red ombré. It looked super heckin cool. He painted a layer of top coat on them and let them dry under the UV light.

Keith already really liked them. He never had such a cool design on his nails.

Lance found a stamper while his nails were drying and picked out a nice Maroon. Darker than the maraschino but lighter than the black, so it would stand out.

Lance took Keith's hand and looked up at him, feeling his cheeks go pink. He stamped a maroon skull shape into his middle finger and smiled, stamping a tiny bat print onto his pinky, thumb, and pointer finger.

Keith smiled as Lance started on his
Ring finger. He gently coated it with some red glitter and then stamped a heart onto it, putting topcoat on all his nails and letting them dry under the UV light. Lance was a god at his craft.

Allura smiled at the boys, noticing how close they were. Thighs touching, a lot of hand holding, and staring. Not creepy staring! Just..

They gazed at one another a lot. They observed the others emotions through their eyes, which was super cool. Allura wished she had someone like that to love.

As far as she knows, Shiro is out of the market. He's not looking for anyone on the team and has been focusing all of his attention onto his phone. She sighed, looking down at her brand new nails.

Lance is very obviously out of the market too, not that she would date him. She thought of him more as a brother than a lover. He was out of the market because, A. He had just gotten out of a relationship and was definitely in no shape to start one, and B. He seemed to have a bit of an eye for Keith.

Allura sighed.

She hoped soon that she would find someone to sweep her off her feet. But for now, there was nobody.

Oh well..

The rest of the day went smoothly. Lance and Hunk binged their TV show for a few hours, made dinner, and Keith got to watch Lance's evening hot yoga.

They call it hot yoga for a reason.

That evening after dessert, the train stopped. They had finally arrived in Germany. Lance smiled and looked out the window.

"Ready for tomorrow, keith?" He smiled.

Keith felt his heart leap into his throat and he nodded.


~1173 words~

Awww poor Allura. Maybe she'll find someone soon ;). Thank you all so much for getting my Talkative fic to #1 on #klanceoneshot!! Talk about a surprise!!


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