Chapter twenty seven-Mornings

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{photo by MyPabulousScarf}

The next morning, Lance woke up, warm and happy. He could smell Hunks amazing cooking all the way from his end of the train, and he knew he was gonna have a good breakfast.

Lance opened his eyes and all the memories of last night came rushing back. Keith and him, kissing one another breathless, rolling over in his bed as moonlight twinkled down through his window, clinging to one another in the darkness as lips met and tongues collided.

Lance felt his cheeks get hot. Oh gosh. He did that. To Keith!

He knew he shouldn't have used Keith as a rebound. He was just so lonely and desperate and—and Keith was right there, and he was hot and he was good.

Lance sighed. He was just happy Keith forgave him after all of that. He must've been pretty wrecked. And it must've been obvious.

Lance tucked his nose into Keith's back, smelling him. He smelled like..Lances soap...wait a tic..

Did Keith shower in Lances smells? Lance had a big variety of his favorite smells, and vanilla was one of them. It smelled nice and heavenly when he was feeling down. Keith had showered in his favorite product.

Lance absolutely melted, clinging tightly to the warm boy in front of him, inhaling his deep, rich scent and smiling. The mix of vanilla with freshly washed clothes was intoxicating to Lance. He loved it.

Slowly, Keith began to woke up as well. He blushed, feeling Lances nose stuffed into his neck and his arms around his waist. Keith smiled and let out a deep sigh, turning around and facing Lance.

"good morning." He smiled, cheeks slightly pink as his lips gently curved up. He wasn't much of a smiler. Except towards Shiro and Lance. Maybe Pidge if she said something funny enough.

Lance gave back his usual smile, their noses poking one another's. Lance had a perfect nose. It had a pretty curve and was pointed right at the end, while Keith had a button nose made for little kisses and such.

Lance did just that, booping his nose with his lips and leaving a little peck. A friendly one. Keith smiled, cheeks gradually growing rosy red.

"Good morning, fancypants." Lance smiled, sliding up and out of bed. Keith smiled. Today they would be arriving in Germany, but not until dinner time. So Keith got to see what Lance's daily routine was.

First things first: shower.

Lance smiled and walked into the bathroom, stripping his clothes and picking out a scent.

Jasmine. He knew Keith loved that jasmine smell. He remembered the effect it had on him. Made him all ditzy and blushy. Lance smiled and washed himself up, shaving his legs and underarms and making sure he smelled perfect. A nice warm jasmine smell was sure to catch Keith's attention.

And it did.

The second Lance stepped out of the bathroom in his towel, Keith smelled jasmine in the steam and jasmine radiating off of the tan boy. Lance smirked a bit to himself and found some clothes, stepping into his closet and changing.

He really wanted to get a changing cover. Y'know, those foldy things with the cloudy paper, that showed the outline of Lances body but not showing off absolutely everything. Maybe he'd get one.

Lance smiled and came out of the closet, again, smelling fresh and clean and wearing some nice comfy house clothes. A pair of shorts and a pretty shirt. It was blue, flower printed, and cropped at the shoulders. It was bunchy at the wrist and poofed out. It looked so cute.

Keith blushed. Maybe he should freshen up too. While Lance sat at his vanity and applied some light makeup, Keith showered. This time, he used his own product. He liked old spice, the cinnamon scented kind. Made him smell manly.

Keith stepped out of the bathroom in his boxers, and Lance caught sight of him from the vanity mirror. He dropped his highlighter brush, cheeks hot. Lance had never seen Keith's chest before.

He had that sort of lean, fit muscle. Like swimmers. It was wicked hot and made Lance blush very hard. Keith pulled on a solid black t-shirt and sone ripped skinny jeans, sliding on his fingerless gloves and tying his wet hair in a ponytail.

Lance noticed something as he dusted his cheeks with what Shay called "pretty powder" and observed.

Keith's fashion sense was made up of grunge-punk ish clothing. He wore lots of black and white and red, owned a lot of hoodies, and a lot of beanies. But one thing he noticed that stayed consistent were his socks.

Contrary to his clothes, Keith wore wicked socks. They were usually mismatched with some weird pattern on them. One time he wore a pair of socks that were bright pink with cheeseburgers on them. It was the most colorful thing Lance had ever seen him wear.

It was cute. Lance smiled, finishing what little makeup he had on and standing up, ready to go and eat the amazing breakfast Hunk was cooking. He opened up the door and smiled at Keith, walking through.

In Shiro's room, he was on a Skype call with another guy. Allura was just getting dressed, tying her hair up for the day. She waved hello to Lance and Keith before walking out with them.

In the living room, Pidge was watching the latest episode of the Slavdashians and eating her breakfast. Apparently, the youngest slavdashian, Slavlie, had just revealed she had a baby. Her name was stormbih boh bi. This family sure had a lot of weird names for their kids. But hey. They lived in a Slavic country. Names were bound to be different.

Lance smiled at Pidge, saying good morning and heading into the kitchen. Was this really what Lance did every day? Keith was intrigued. He knew Lance did more than just wander around.

Lance got his breakfast and joined Pidge on the couch, watching the main Slavdashian sister, Slim, argue with her sister Slourtney. Sometimes this show was just too weird. Too weird.

Lance caught Keith looking at him halfway through the episode, pancake in mouth. The boys eyes met and they blushed, looking away. Pidge smirked.

She knew they were up to something.

And she was gonna find out

~1060 words~

The slavdashians make an appearance! The family is made up of Slis and Slaitlyn, their kids Slim, Slourtney, Slendall, Slavlie, and Bob. Stormbih boh bih was probably my best pun today.


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