Chapter 9-let the show begin!

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{photo by mopotter167}

Soon, the train came to a stop, and everyone gathered in the living area.

Shiro stood there, proud and happy. "We've arrived in our first state. So I want you all to pack up a bag for one night and one night only. A simple backpack will do, if you can fit all your things." He said, giving Allura and Lance, the divas of the train, a look, making them blush embarrassedly.

"Put on some clothing that will keep you a little hidden from the paparazzi, that is unless you want your picture taken at all times." Shiro advised, and everyone nodded, standing up and going to go and change. When they all gathered back in the living area, Lance was a little surprised.

Pidge was wearing a pair of tight fit jeans and a designer forest green jacket with the collar flipped up, a large Sun hat atop their head, their clear glasses replaced with dark sunglasses. Pidge apparently didn't like her picture being taken.

Hunk wore something quite similar, although he wore nothing to cover his head, and no glasses either. His coat was bright sunflower yellow, and it covered most of his body.

Allura wore a milky pink coat that acted a bit as a dress, although not too flashy. Atop her head was a sunhat quite like Pidge's.

Shiro wore a designer t-shirt and jeans, sunglasses on his face to make him seem a bit more serious. Shiro enjoyed getting his picture taken quite a bit.

Keith was just wearing his regular jacket with the collar flipped up a little higher. He perhaps didn't care about the paparazzi. They could take their picture or they could not. Wasn't his problem.

Lance wore a blue fabric poncho and a sunhat, glasses sitting on his nose, holding a large purse by his side with all his things he would need for the night.

Shiro smiled at them all, the doors to the outside opening up, and they all stepped out. Cameras flashed everywhere, trying to catch photographs of the team. They all followed Shiro and Coran, waking straight ahead with a crew of body guards watching over them, the paparazzi chasing them down the street.

Lance found himself getting uncomfortable fairly quickly, and he decided that next time he would pick a much longer coat. The crew sped to their hotel, walking down the road without answering anybody's questions, walking through the front doors of their hotel. Shiro checked in and gave them all their room key, before they all sped to the elevator to get away from the attention.

Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge stumbled into an elevator, escaping the paparazzi at long last. Lance took his hat off and sighed. My goodness.

"And we have to deal with that every time we go out?" He said, chewing his lip. Pidge nodded. "You get used to it. The sunglasses I advise. I wear them so the flashes don't hurt my eyes." She said, sighing softly and taking off her sunhat as the elevator chimed.

Pidge and Hunk went down one hall while Keith and Lance took the other, finding their bedroom and settling in.
Lance sighed, yawning softly.
"Yeesh. Are you excited for the show?" He asked, earning a slightly happy "Mmh.." from Keith, who was laying in his bed.

He was always laying in his stupid bed.

Lance sighed and sat in a chair, getting on his phone and texting Nyma and Rolo.

{Lance, 2:34 pm}~: first show 2nite!!

{Nyma,2:34 pm}~: awesome!!

{Rolo,2:35 pm}~: right on, man

Lance smiled, yawning slightly and pocketing his phone.

Tonight was gonna be amazing.

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