Just met you.. [chapter one]

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Chapter one••

Addison's POV~


"Ding ding ding ding ding"

Constant ringing in my ears made me fall out of my bed right on to the floor. I sat in silence for a moment while I took time to figure out my scrambled thoughts. Wondering if I could sneak back into my bed and my mom wouldn't notice if I just skip school.

"...Addison? Addison are you awake?" My mom yelled at the other end of my door. "Ughhhh yes mom" I answered lazily. Maybe skipping wasn't exactly a possibility. Yeah school the first day of my senior year and I'm already dreading it completely.

Finally getting up of the cold floor I walked straight into the bathroom and took a steaming hot shower. Do you ever just stand In the shower and think? Well that's what I'm doing right now just standing there thinking on why I have to go to another year at Westbrook high.

I got out of the shower and did my school morning routine with consistent of a shower, brushing my teeth, putting on some light makeup like mascara and a rim of eyeliner, brushing my long brown hair out and putting it into a fishtail braid and getting dressed.

I put on a white tank top with a black cover up with black ripped skinny jeans paired with white vans. I actually cleaned up pretty well if you ask me for the short amount of time I have to get ready.

Skipping down stairs to greet my mom I grabbed my backpack and sat at the table. She had toast and orange juice waiting for me, gosh I love my mom. She's actually a really good mom and I'm grateful for that.

"Addison.. Addison honey?"

I shook my thoughts away and looked up at my concerned mom and her big green eyes that looked just like my own eyes. "What did you say" I asked happily, taking a big bite of toast.

"Are you ok? You seem a bit off." My mom spoke quietly. Geez what was up with her she acted as if I was going to break any second. "Yeah I'm fine, nervous about the first day I guess." I said with confidence.

"Don't be nervous sweetie, you'll be fine just like you always are in school."

Right... like she remembers what high is like. At Westbrook high school everyone is very clicky it's pretty cliché how everyone acts these days. "Okay mom." I spoke with a smile on my face.

Pulling me out of my thoughts once again was a loud car horn coming from the front yard, which would be my bestfriend Lindsey. We have carpooled together since sophomore year, yes I have my license and yes I have a car... I just umm let's just say it's easier to have your bestfriend take you.

"Lindsey's here! Bye mom, I love you." I said running out of the door. "Bye honey, I love you too." I heard my mom yell from the kitchen.

Hopping into the passenger side of my best friend's silver toyota I excitedly greeted her with a hug and a simple "hey." She looked at me with a smile on her face, "Hey addi someone seems happy." Lindsey said giggling. "I'm actually happy right now to see my awesome bestfriend."

"I'm a little offended how you said "actually"." Lindsey said with a playful glare. "Let's just get going before we're late." I said calmly.

Pulling into the front of the school I saw the three hottest guys at Westbrook but also the three biggest players/asshole on campus. I'm not blind I know they're all super hot but that honestly means nothing to me when they act like complete jerks to everyone they lay eyes on.

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