Own it.. [chapter eight]

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Chapter eight••

Addison's POV~

It's Friday again! It's been a week since I hung out with Jake and since then it's been pretty normal.
We talked sometimes in class and around the halls but we haven't been hanging out out of school because I've been so busy with dance. Well I like to think that's the reason.

Butttt today's our first rally of the school year and I'm so excited. Dance has the opening number that we've been working so hard on.

We are doing a hip hop dance to the song "believer" by imagine dragons. It's actually one of the hardest hip hop dances I have ever done. It's fast and sharp and there's a lot of team work, trust and hard timing. I  choreographed this dance so I want it to be amazing and show off all of the dancers skills!

I woke up today not annoyed with my alarm clock and got ready for school. I had to do a bit more makeup then needed because we all had to look the same. I put on regular clothes for now until we had to change which consists of white shorts a red tube top with red converse. Our costumes were white and black leggings with sports bra that are tight and leather. (Picture on top)

Lindsey picked me up for school with Kate also in the car. "Are you excited Addi?" Kate asked.

"You have no idea!" Dance is my favorite thing to do, especially in front of people. Performing is so fun and the rush is amazing.

"You know who will be watching right?" Lindsey said while raising her eyebrows. Don't say it!

"Jakeee!" Lindsey said.

"And Josh!" Kate said.

Way to make me nervous about the whole thing.

"Thanks guys! They have both seen me before I've performed at every rally since freshmen year."

"Yeah but they weren't actually watch watching you and now they know you so their eyes will be glued to you the whole time." Lindsey said.

My hands started to get sweaty I could feel a knot coming in my stomach... oh gosh.

"GUYSS! Are you trying to make me fail? Or be nervous? Like what the hell." I snapped back.

"Just don't mess up and you'll be fine." Kate said.
Don't mess up Addi.. don't mess up... don't mess up. I kept repeating in my head over and over! What am I even doing? I never mess up, I got this! 

As we arrived at school everyone looked so happy. Rally days are definitely the best, the school puts so much effort towards them and makes them a blast.
Since I was apart of the rally I didn't have to go to any of my classes and just got at home online assignments.. which is pretty cool.

My girls had an hour to practice and then we had an hour to teach the football players a quick dance then 30 minutes go get ready. Yes teach the football players a dance which I just figured out last night. Apparently it's suppose to be something funny to introduce them since they can't exactly play football in the gym. So last night I picked music and decided to teach them a short dance to the song "fergalicious" by Fergie.

The only thing is that Jake, Josh, Clay and Luke are on the football team. It's going to be interesting and maybe a little uncomfortable because there all pervs.
Yeah that's the right word to use. Perverts! Definitely!

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