My clarity..[chapter twenty seven]

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Chapter twenty seven••

Addison's POV~

We continue dancing and dancing until the last song was over and he dipped me. We were making deep eye contact and he started to lean in closer and closer... he was going to kiss me! What?

"Umm can I have my girlfriend back?" A familiar voice said. Oh shit!

We both shot right up very quick. "Yes, of course!" Josh said giving my hand to Jake like the respectful guy he was. Jake then accepted and we walked away. He didn't say a word so I don't think he knew what was going on I think he just thought we were dipping.

"How was Megan?" I say to break the silence.

"She dances like a chicken with one leg." He said was which made me laugh. Hard.

The music started again... "Well Jake Knight may I have this dance?" I say while curtsying.

"Well of course you may beautiful!" He said while walking back to the dance floor. We danced and danced until my feet honestly hurt bad!

The sound of music stopping and someone speaking on a microphone caught our attention! "It's now time to dine so grab your chaperone and head to you assigned seats." The handsome man said.

Josh then walked up to my side with Megan and we switch partners. Jake then gave me a kiss on the cheek which was a sign of saying goodbye.

We sat down together and Josh pulled out my chair and pushed me in. "Thank you, such a gentleman." I said and I thought I saw a little pink color come to his cheeks but I couldn't be sure.

"That's my job because I am accompanying the most beautiful girl here." He said sending me a soft smile.

"Josh I appreciate it but you have a girlfriend.. I wouldn't be to happy if Jake was saying that to other girls." I said to him honestly.

"You're not other girls you're one of my best friends I've  known my whole life." He responded in a understanding tone.

"So you're saying it's completely innocent?" I said raising an eyebrow but it was more of a joke with humor.

"I didn't say that either." He said looking away. Before I had a chance to respond our first course was set down in front of us. But I couldn't help but think about what Josh meant by that.

As we were eating we heard a sound of silverware hitting a glass that made us focus our attention towards the noise. "It is now time to announce charity Princess!" Ugh! "We all know it's going to be Rebecca." I whispered to Josh and he nodded.

"Can you please give a warm welcome to charity princess Miss.Rebecca Jones." Everyone starting clapping including me. Every year the girl says a speech and I'm excited to here Rebecca's.

"I would like to thank myself for accomplishing this dream of mine and being the best. It means the world to me that I am charity queen. This is like something that would happen in a fantasy and I'm happy to live mine. So thank you Rebecca!" She finished. Wow she's conceded. Plus it's princess not queen...

A women ran up on the stage and whisper into the lady's ear telling her something that seems important. The girls eyes went wide and nodded her head. She then walked up to the microphone and said "I'm so sorry but we have a mix up this has never happen in the history of the charity ball but the real Charity Princess this year is actually Miss.Addison Wabash!" I huge cheer went though the crowd and I choked on my water. I watched as the lady walked up and took the crown, sash and flowers away from Rebecca. That's so messed up.

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