You smile I smile..[chapter forty nine]

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Chapter forty nine••

Addison's POV~

"Why you obviously have feelings for him!" I said back.

"Addison I'm moving!" Lindsey snapped back.

"What do you mean you're moving?" I asked in a shaky voice.

She has to be joking she can't move! My friend since I don't even know how long, my whole entire life. We're suppose to spend summer together and go to college together and end the year together.... we're suppose to graduate together.

"I'm moving moving in two weeks." She said.

"What Why? We only have a little over a month left." I said back. Why couldn't she just stay the whole year.

"My family's company unit is getting moved I have no choice I'm moving to Japan." She said. Tears were now streaming down my face.

"Japan? Why the hell in Japan... you know how far that is." I asked. Who just moves to Japan?

"It's a two year contact it's really good for business for some reason and a lot of companies invest a lot and are doing this." Lindsey said which made sense... but why now?

Later on in the dance after school we had dance practice, Lindsey didn't talk to me once. Why me?

"I have to go." I said right away after dance and that's when I left school.

I drove to my moms work as quick as possible and hoped out of the car walking through to doors and demanding my mom.

"I need to see Mrs.wabash please!" I said nicely.

"Make an appointment." The lady said.

"I'm her daughter." I said back.

"Heard it all before! She's busy today if you wish to speak to her make an appointment." She said again.

I don't care if this is my moms work I'm doing it. I ran to the elevator right when it was closing so no one could catch me. My moms on the second level to the top.

"MISS!" The lady yells but the door is already closing.

I walked in my moms office and she's sitting at her desk writing... no one's in here I didn't need an appointment.

"Honey? What are you doing here?" My mom asked concerned.

"Lindsey family is moving to Japan in two weeks for there job and she can't leave right when we're going to graduate but she can't stay alone so I'm asking you for the biggest favor in the world-" my mom then cut me off.

"Of course she can stay with us Addison!" My mom said.

"Really?" I asked and she nodded. "Thank you! Thank you! You are so amazing." I said while running to her and hugging her.

"Well I like to think I'm amazing for more than just that." She said in a offended tone but I knew it was all jokes.

"Of course you are mom but in this moment you are just a little bit more." I said holding up my fingers to show how little I was talking about.

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