Just a dream..[chapter fifity]

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Chapter fifty••

Last chapter~

Addison's  POV~

"Ding ding ding ding ding!" My alarm went off waking me up. It's a new day!

I got up happy for the day. I went in the bathroom and took a short shower before washing my face and doing my makeup. I brushed my teeth and put on a outfit. I put on blue denim high waisted shorts with a black and white striped shirt. It looked super cute. I left my hair in its natural waves and was now ready for school.

I walked down stairs to see my mom making me breakfast as always. "Hey! Are you excited?" My mom asked... for what?

"It's just like any other day mom." I said back with a smile.

"I know but you're a senior!" She said sharply.

"I know mom I have been." I said laughing and she just nodded.

"I guess that's true." She said back.

Right then I heard a honk from Lindsey... she's taking me today? I didn't get the memo. I walked outside to see a very pretty Lindsey and my car not outside.

Where the hell is my car? It's probably at the shop with Dane getting a tire changed or oil change. Danes brother owns a car dealership near by our house.

"I'm so excited!" Lindsey said once I got in.

"I can tell you look super cute." I said back.

"Aren't you?" She asked.

"It's just high school and it's almost over big deal." I said back while laughing.

"Whatever you say." Lindsey said and we pulled into the parking lot and parked.

I got out and walked towards just Luke and Kate wondering where the other guys are. I forgot to ask Lindsey how her and Luke were... that might make it awkward in font of him though. Let's pass.

"Seniors baby!" Luke fist pumped. What is with everyone today?

"Almost done!" I said with a small smirk.

"It will be here before we now it." Kate said.

"Where's the guys?" I suddenly asked wondering where my boyfriend is.

"Who?" Kate asked.

"Josh!" I said back and Lindsey looked taken back. "He's with Clay and Jake by the lockers I'm guessing." She replied. I then turned around and walked right towards them.

I then spotted Josh wondering why he was hanging with Jake today. When Josh looked up he sent me a apologetic look. For what? Did he cheat on me too...

I walked over to the guys and kissed Josh on the cheek he moved suddenly looking confused.

"Hey Addison?" Josh asked taken back.

"Hi?" I said but more as a question, was he not excited to see me.

"Do you know her?" Jake asked.

"Ha you're the funniest Jake! Why are you hanging out with him again?" I said back to Josh.

"Is this chick high?" Clay asked. Clay too? What's going on.

"Umm I'm not high, I'm talking to my boyfriend." I said.

"He doesn't have a girlfriend so you must have it wrong." Jake said looking me up and down. He wishes it was that way.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I think she's crazy!" Clay said.

"Crazy?" I'm so confused.

"Im not sure why she says she's Josh's girlfriend but she's pretty hot. Think you could hook me up?" Jake asked Josh.

"Yeah I'm not going down that road again." I spat back.

"What do you mean again?" Jake asked.

"Stop playing games." I said back.

"Look go back to your loser friends and stop talking to us. We don't know you so don't talk to us again or I'll make sure you'll regret it." Jake said and walked away. What the fuck is going on?

Tears started streaming down my face, I couldn't let people see me like this. I rushed out of the school and things started settling in.... my mom not wearing her ring, no Dane and Daniel, my car wasn't there, Josh not knowing me... oh my god.

The first person I saw I asked a simple question. "What day is it?" I asked eagerly.

"The first day of senior year." The guy said and then Left.

I walked to my first period probably looking like a freak but so confused. How could it be the first day of senior year? We were about to graduate...

I sat in my first period math class listening to our lesson plan for the year... I've already heard this before.

Is someone messing with me because it's definitely working.

Did anything that happen to me happen in real life?

That's impossible......

I started walking out towards the steps realizing... everything that happen, everything I saw, everything that felt real....

It was just a dream..

I sat in the steps and cried and cried. How the heck did this happen? I already lived through this.

It's the first day of school and my life is rewinding. I've never been so embarrassed and wrong in my life. What was I thinking. Is it going to repeat it's self? I knew everything that happen was to good to be true, almost like a movie.

Suddenly my life wasn't my own anymore.

It's reality, reality sucks! ;)

"Excuse me Miss, are you alright?" I looked up to see a very handsome, sweaty, man.... that I knew from the past.... or from my dream...



End of last chapter••

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