Saved me.. [chapter four]

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Chapter four••

Addison's POV~

"I said get out of my car, now!" He said back.

I quickly grabbed my things and got out of the car kinda nervous to even move or look at him the wrong way. I avoided eye contact and did what he said. Right when I closed the door he speed off and was out of sight unless then 10 seconds. My heart was pounding for some odd reason. I've never been treated that way.

Realizing I now had to walk home I started to look around and then stopped because I had no idea where I was...

Panic rushed over me as I reached in my bag to grab my phone but it wasn't there. More and more panic rushed over me as I realized that was the thing I dropped in Jakes car.

I'm lost, stuck, angry, hurt, tired and embarrassed so I just decided to sit on the floor and cry. Yes cry. I don't really cry that much but today as been so much and it's only the morning. I just wanted to curl up in my bed and forget this day even happen. Forget me being embarrassed by the whole school, forget me being yelled at and thrown out of Jake Knights car and forget me being freaking lost right now. Gosh I feel pretty pathetic. Why me??

Sitting here sobbing I hear someone pull over but I'm to upset to even look to see what was going on near me so I just continued to cry in my little bubble.

"Addison..?" Someone said softly

I looked up to see the one and only Josh Stantton... like this day couldn't get any worse.

"Are you ok?" He spoke again.

I looked up and said "I'm fine" he just gave me the I'm not buying it look and sat next to me.

"Tell me what's wrong Addison"

For some reason I felt very comfortable and just blurted everything on my mind. "The whole school was laughing at me for embarrassing pictures of me that Jake put around the school and now I'm never going to here the end of it. I know I'm easy to make fun of but really for everyone to see?? Jake just yelled at me like I was nothing and kicked me out of his car and left me" I continued after sniffling. "I dropped my phone in his car and he's probably going to break it and I'm currently lost in my own home town!" I finished and felt such relief.

He looked at me with his soft blue/green eyes and genuinely looked like he cared. He hesitantly put his arm around me and pulled me in. I sat there for a moment just enjoying being in his arms then pulled away. "Thank you Josh" I said with a small smile.

"Of course!" He shot back and then continued talking "I'm sorry about everything Addison, ignoring you, not talking to you, avoiding things, never fixing things. Truth is I don't even know what happen I just started hanging out with a new crowd that you weren't really in. By the time I realized everything it was to late to apologize or fix things so I never did. I miss you and will always protect you. I get if you confused because we don't really know each other much anymore but I would love to know you again. Basically I'm saying sorry and I want to be friends with you again... I never stopped wanting to be friends I just kinda-" I cut him off "kinda wanted some guy friends." I said and he nodded then I continued "and wanted to follow Knight who didn't hang around me." He nodded again while putting his head down.

"Look it's okay. Really it is. If I'm being completely honest I've been mad about this for so long and just got over it really. I realize it was a long time ago and I shouldn't hold a grudge over some silly thing in elementary school. You were just my bestfriend and I trusted you. I forgive you and I hope you can forgive me for hating you all these years. I really hope we can start over and be friends again." I said with a smile.

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