Feels wrong..[chapter twenty five]

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Hey guys update each day•• Hope You Enjoy!

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Xoxo -E

Chapter twenty five••

Addison's POV~

After the dinner disaster Jake took me home. I didn't talk to him the whole way home or Sunday. I didn't attended school Monday or Tuesday and I told my mom what happened and she agreed for mental health days.

Sunday I sat in my room watching movies all day. That man sure knows how to make someone feel awful about themselves. I didn't do anything at all. My mom brought me food and I went to my bathroom in my room once. That's it.

Monday my mom and I went to lunch then went for a spa day. We got a manicure and pedicure we also got massages and facials. It was an amazing day that was much needed.

Tuesday the girls skipped school as well. Kate, Lindsey, my mom and I went shopping. It was great to have a girls day especially with my favorite girls. That night we all went to dinner, when I say all I mean my mom, Dane, Daniel, Kate, Lindsey, Luke and I.

We called Luke and had him come along since I wanted all my best friends there. It was kinda a best friends meet my mom's boyfriend/ future step dad. I mean they've been together for awhile now so who knows.

Dane really likes my friends and my friends really like Dane which makes my mom and I really happy. It was a great dinner! Also everyone loves Daniel which isn't shocking because he's the cutest little boy.

Now it's Wednesday morning which means Jake and I have been dating for 3 weeks today. I still haven't talk to him since Saturday.. it's not that I'm mad at him because I'm not I just feel uncomfortable now. After everything that was said I don't know how to face him which I think is understandable. I also feel bad for my outburst although I'm sure everyone knows I was just defending myself.

I got up out of bed and slowly walked to the shower I sat in there for about 10 minutes then started actually washing my body. The steam feels good and makes me think like I've mentioned before.

I got out of the shower and quickly blow dried my hair and then straighten which isn't the best thing for my hair but whatever. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on my usual makeup but with some darker eyeshadow and a little bit of dark maroon lipstick. I was feeling a little badass or goth today.

I was looking for an outfit when something caught my eye it was red wash out dye. I grabbed it and went into the bathroom putting it on my ends. I actually look good. I then went back to get my outfit.

I picked black skinny jeans and a gray shirt with a black leather jacket. I added a two layer necklace with black army boots as my shoes. I looked different but it was a good look.... kinda suits me. Even though I'm a bright and shiny girl.

I walked down stairs and my moms eyes widened.
"Honey what's in your hair?" She said smoothly.

"It's wash out hair dye I found in my closet from Halloween. I thought a change for a day would be good." I said sweetly. She just nodded and handed me eggs and bacon. I ate my food quickly.

I finished earlier then usual today so I went outside and waited for Lindsey to arrive. She then pulled up and I could she her shocked expression as well gosh this is going to be a long day. I got in the car and waited for her 21 questions.

"Umm Addison are you feeling okay?" Lindsey asked.

"I'm perfectly fine! I wanted a change for the day the color is wash out and I'm going to be getting asked questions all day so let's just change the subject." I said in a normal tone and she nodded.

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