War with love..[chapter thirteen]

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Hey guys update each day•• Hope You Enjoy!

Thank You!!

Xoxo -E

Chapter thirteen••

Addison's POV~

After I kicked Jake out I locked my door and didn't let anyone in... I didn't want anyone to tell me it was going to get better or it was going to go away because that's honestly crap. I just wanted to be alone, everyone deserves time to themselves sometimes.

Then Sunday I spent the day with my mom, she thought it would help me. We went out to lunch, got our nails and toes done, cleaned the house and binged watched movies.

Which means that today is Monday so I have to go to school and face everyone... face Jake. Although I'm not sure I'm going to even face him at all. Probably better to ignore him.

I woke up with the sound I hate most in the world which is my alarm. I rolled out of bed and went straight to the bathroom. I took a steamy hot shower and then got ready for school. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I straighten my hair and put on some light make up like I do every single day.

My outfit consist of light blue Jean shorts with a white flowy long sleeve shirt that was longer in the back covering my butt. I added a pair of grayish small heal boots with a pink small side bag. (Picture up top)

I have to say I may love school, grades and dance but I'm not a nerd. I also love clothes and accessories I just don't like slutty clothes like some girls. Cute and classy maybe sometimes on rare occasions I'll go with sexy and classy.

I looked at the time and supposedly woke up 10 minutes earlier then I was suppose to so I had some time before I go down stairs and eat. So I decided to play some music on my speak considering no one was sleeping because my mom gets up at the same time as me then makes breakfast before going to work.

I played the song "How To Love" by Lil Wayne while grabbing my phone and going on instagram. I laid back on my bed and starting scrolling down my feed... then something caught my eye. It was a picture of Jake and Rebecca, she was laughing and he was looking directly at her like he adored her. I felt a pinch of pain in my stomach and a little water welling up in my eyes but pushed both away.

I scrolled down a little more to see the caption that read "Best boyfriend in the world!" With 478 likes and 102 comments.... must be nice. I angrily locked my phone while slamming my phone down on my bed.

I tuned off my music and went down stairs to see my smiling mom which automatically made my mood good again. "Hey beautiful!" My mom said.

"Hey ma!" I answered back.

"Nervous about school?" She asked me. Oh yeah thanks for the reminder mom!

"No. Why would I be?" She nodded knowing I didn't want to talk about it which I was thankful for. I continued eating my food excepting the silence.

"Honk" the sound of Lindsey car horn rang through my ears. I got up from my seat said my goodbyes to my mom and left.

The car ride with Lindsey was mostly silent I think she didn't know what to say to me. She was treating me like I was broken glass so I decided to end the awkward silence.

"Lindsey I'm totally fine... I just want things to go on as is." I said facing her.

"I know that's not true but I'll try, just know I'm always here for you." She said back softly. "Oh and you look super cute today!" She added with a smile. There we go!

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