Thinking you..[chapter twenty three]

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Chapter twenty three••

Addison's POV~

Suddenly there was a knock of the door both pulling us out of our moment while I slide off of Jake someone came in.

"Hey were-oh shit! Did I interrupt something?" The man asked.

Uh oh.

Jake groaned "No you're fine David. Are we here?" David nodded and walked out of the room in the yacht.

"Let's go beautiful, you can leave your clothes." With that he walked out as I was right behind him. I felt a bit of relief that it didn't continue and move on to the next step but I'm not sure why... I should have been excited about that right? Sure I was into the moment but after it didn't feel right.

I walked outside and was shocked by what surrounded me it was a beautiful cove. "Where are we Jake?" I asked in all.

"Lovers cove!" He said back with a smile. Seriously someone actually named it that. Wow.

He then he went to the end of the yacht and waved for me to come over. "What are we doing?" I asked.

"We're jumping into the magical water! What does it looked like?" I then shot him a glare but quickly recovered by grabbing his hand.

We then both jumped into the water making a big splash. We both came up for air while I swam towards him to wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his body like the movies.

"You really are beautiful." He said sweetly.

I felt a blush rise to my cheeks and replied. "Well thank you sir."

"Your body is beautiful as well." He then finished.

I felt a little bit of embarrassment which he obviously saw because he said "come on!" And starting swimming towards the inside of something.

Once we were inside we were at a beautiful waterfall. "Oh my god!" I said loudly.

"I know." He replied.

We swam to the waterfall and swan around for what seemed like hours again just laughing and playing. For some reason I liked this setting better with him. Soon after we left heading back home which only took about two hours which was weird because I thought it took all night to get here but when I asked Jake he said we were just driving around at first.

When we got off the boat we got breakfast at Starbucks and then he took me home. Pulling up to the drive way I felt very happy to be home. We stopped and I turned to him giving him a quick kiss while saying "Thank you Jake! It was amazing." With that I left and skipped up to my house.

When I walked in I yelled mom but no one was home. I walked into the kitchen to see a note on the counter left by my mom reading...

Hey honey if you're seeing this it means I left already. Dane, Daniel and I went out for breakfast then to see a movie so I will see you later. Feel free to do anything sweetie! I love you and be good.

It was so cute how my mom left notes instead of texting me like everyone else. I went up stairs to take a shower and get ready for the day. Then noticing I didn't go to sleep last night I decided to take a nap.
Fading into a deep sleep I went.

"I love you Addison!" He said.

"I- II..." I said back not knowing what to say.

"You what? I need to know." He said again.

"I love you too J-"

Ding ding ding the sound of my phone woke me up showing me that Lindsey was calling. "Hello?" I answered in a sleepish tone.

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