Boys like you..[chapter nineteen]

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Xoxo -E

Chapter nineteen••

Addison's POV~

The door shot open to reveal someone who wasn't Josh. What the heck? It was a girl... with strawberry blonde long hair, hazel eyes, petite figure, and not the nicest look on her face.

"Who are you?" I said very confused. She's not Josh's family I know Josh's family. She doesn't look very friendly and she's around our age so that means...

"No the real question is who are you and why are you at my boyfriends house?" She shot back with a glare. She's not in the best of moods.

Boyfriend? The guys had it totally wrong he didn't have feelings for me or anything towards me. He had another girl... someone he was actually committed too. Why did I think what they said might have been true? Why did It hurt knowing it wasn't?? I felt a pinch of hurt and jealousy but I'm not sure why. I had feelings for Jake... Jakes all that matters.

I looked up at her and could feel my eyes watering up. I didn't want her to see my cry that would confuse her even more so I turned around and left... kept walking even though she was saying something behind me. They were so wrong.

It's now Monday and for some reason I'm mad at Josh.. I'm not even sure why. I didn't have a reason. It's weird why I feel this way. I was just expecting something so different yesterday, maybe it was the fact that he has a girlfriend and didn't tell any of us.

Today I put on black ripped skinny jeans paired black heel boots that are tucked in with a red a white stripped crop top. I got my black backpack and put my hair in two loose braids. I put a little mascara on with a light color on my lips. I was ready to conquer the world. (Picture up top)

I went down stairs to be greeted by my mom but there was not one person not two people but three people one being a little boy. I'm automatically assuming it's Daniel, Danes son who's four. As soon as he saw me he jumped up and ran over to me.
He extended it hand and said...

"Hi I'm Dani-yol" with a big bright smile. Still at that stage where he can't say his own name correctly.

"Hi Daniel, I'm Addison!" I chipper back.

"Your very priit-eyyy ad-I-son" He said back.

"Well thank you! Your pretty handsome yourself and you can just call me Addi." I said back so it was something easier for him to say.

"Okay Addi! I'm actually really good at pronouncing words I'm just nervous because I don't know you." He said kind of shy with no stuttering.

"Wow that was amazing, believe you'll get to know me and be able to talk my head off." I said with a laugh. He looked horrified for a second but quickly washed it away.

"I don't want your hhh-ead to come off." He said slowly.

"I'm kidding Daniel." I said with a giggle.

"Your my new sister right? I've always wanted a sister." He said which kind of caught me off guard. If he was saying stuff like that it was obviously pretty serious.

"That's enough Daniel." Dane said walking towards us. Gave me a little nod saying "Good morning Addison."

"Morning Dane!" I said back. Just then I heard my best friend pulling up. Realizing I didn't get time to eat made me a little grumpy.

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