Brithday wish..[chapter forty two]

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Chapter forty two••

Addison's POV~

Jake then turned back around and walked up to me pulling me against his body and kissing me. I was so shocked I just stood there letting his cheating lips kiss me. He's cheating again! When we pulled away I looked over to see Josh who looked very hurt...

"You belong with me." Jake says turning my face to his. Definitely not!

I pulled away from Jake and started running after Josh for some reason I felt like I cheated or something even though I didn't.

Which also scares me because that means whatever it is I feel something here.

"Josh!... Josh stop!" I yelled.

He then turned around fast.. "He cheated on you Addison? Does that not mean anything. You're just going to forgive him?" Josh asked. Why is he so mad?

"No! He kissed me!" I said back.

"Oh yeah and you just sat there with your lips to his?" Josh said back.

"I was shocked! I'm sorry, why do you even care so much!" I said back in a curious tone.

"Isn't is obvious Addison?" Josh asked and I tried to go over ever scenario in my head but none made sense.

"No..." I said back in a questioning tone.

"Forget it." Then Josh's back was to me and it got farther and farther until he was gone.


Good morning world! I'm officially 18 which means I'm officially a adult. 18 never looked better on anyone. Today is March 11th a Wednesday and it's my birthday!!!

I'm not having a party this year, I'm not going out to do something super fun, I'm not traveling... I'm just having a birthday dinner with the people that matter most to me and that's absolutely perfect.

I have school first though which my mom offered to let me skip but I feel like I've skipped so much already. That's a understatement.... which brings me back to current time while I'm getting ready for school.

I don't take a shower so I don't have to have to blow dry it so I just straighten it. I put on some light makeup that's a little bit different that usual. I do my girl everyday stuff you need to conquer the world.

Now for my outfit. I'm wearing blue ripped skinny jeans with a lose gray crop top with adding a pink long fluffy jacket paired with some white heals boots that have ties in the middle. (Picture up top)

I'm going a little extravagant today I mean it is my birthday right? I also put in a necklace that I actually bought with this outfit. I then grabbed my bag which was a white backpack today and went downstairs.

When I came down I saw my mom, Dane and Daniel sitting at the table waiting for me. As I walked closer I saw beacon, eggs, toast and fruit with a muffin that has a 18 candle on it. When my mom saw me she started singing while lighting it.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday dear Addison.
Happy birthday to you." They all sang but it wasn't finished yet.

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