Missed a player..[chapter thirty eight]

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Chapter thirty eight••

Addison's POV~

Josh dropped my off at my house Friday afternoon with no questions and I know my moms home because her car is here. I've been standing on the porch for about 20 minutes scared to go inside. I've been gone for five days...

I then giggled my key in the door and opened it to reveal my mom sitting on the couch with puffy eyes. As soon as she saw me she got up and walked towards me and gave me a huge hug. "Addison!" She said as she held me tight as possible.

What no yelling? For now....

"What in the hell were you thinking Addison? You can't just leave and not tell me where you're going! You are 17 year old, you're still my baby. You made me feel like I failed as a mother what had gotten into you?" She talk/yelled....

"I walked in the library to see Jake cheating on me mom." I said it while sitting in the couch. "First Matthew then Jake..... What's wrong with me? Am I not good enough... Am I a bad girlfriend?" I asked my mom as I stated to break down again for the first time since last Friday.

"Oh god. Honey no never! Don't ever say that about yourself. Boys sometimes do stupid stuff because they are hurt. It's definitely not you and I never want you to think that." My mom said back.

"I just don't understand... I thought he liked me I mean he was my boyfriend but I was fooled just like with Matthew. How did I let myself go? Why did I let my stupid heart fall and trust someone so much to the point where they could break it." I said to my mom again.

"Addison, he likes you and I'm very sure of it! He's just stupid and I'm sure he regrets doing whatever he did and will try to get you back but this is called immaturity and you can't be with someone who's willing to do something like that to you no matter the circumstances. In life we fall, we love, we break... its life and it's a cycle and your going to get your heart broken probably more times then this. It's life and it hurts but each time is makes your stronger and smarter just like I know you already are." My mom said which actually was true and made me feel better.

"It just hurts mom. I'm sorry for leaving... I just needed a break from life and everything." I said back to her with a tear coming down my face.

"Honey don't be sorry I understand but if you ever do that again you will be grounded forever and I won't be anywhere near as nice as I'm being right now. You're getting older and I get you needed time but with responsibility you can't run away from your problems you have to face them." I nodded in understanding because I know she was 100% right.

"One more question.. I need to makeup my school work and I don't want to go to school so can I go on independent study for a little bit..?" I asked my mom nicely.

"How long?" My mom asked.

"Well we're into the second week of January and I wanted about a month but it would be odd so what about 6 weeks? So I can go back March first?"

"6 weeks Addison, that's it! You're grades all better be high As by the end of this." My mom said pointing her finger at me.

"Of course mom!" I said as I ran up stairs to take a shower.

Week 1...

It's my first week of independent study and I've made up all my work from the week I missed and I've done all the work for this week putting my grades right back to where they were.

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