Get the picture.. [chapter three]

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Chapter three••

Addison's POV~

I went up stairs to change into something comfy so I could just binge. I took off my makeup and put my long hair into a messy bun. Slipped on some baggy grey sweats and a old oversized hoodie with some fuzzy socks and went back down stairs. Just as I was about to sit down on the couch I heard the door bell ring. A loud groan escaped my lips "UGH!" I quickly made my way to the door and opened it slowly.

My eye widened in shock....

Jake Knight?

Oh my gosh Jake knight is standing at my door and I look like road kill. How did he get here? Why is he here? How is he seeing me like this? HOW DID HE KNOW WHERE I LIVED? I was in shock to say the least I was not expecting that right now. Thinking back to the text I got and looking at the time... it all makes sense now.

"Why the hell are you at my house?" I yelled furiously.

"Party. Oh and I'm loving the look by the way!" He said while checking out my whole body up and down.

"Are you done eye raping me?" I said with a slight smile.

"Not quite yet" jake answered back with a smirk.

Then I did what I would never do to a normal person.. I slammed the door as hard as I could in his face. Take that knight.

I was expecting to hear the door bell ring or a knock or something but it was silent... nothing. I heard a car engine and it soon got farther and farther and farther. I felt a tad of disappointment but quickly shook it off.

After that weird encounter I decided to invite Luke, Kate and Lindsey over for a movie and to talk. Honestly these three people were basically the best in my life always there for me and just such amazing people. I feel like I can talk to them about anything and everything but sometimes you just don't want to talk your ear off and keep things to yourself but I'm pretty confused right now and think I need a friends point of view.

"That's why I'm a little creeped out right now" I said as I finished my story about Josh earlier and Jake. After they all got here I told them the events that happen today so they could give me some advice and they all look as confused as I was.

"Maybe he's tired of whores and wants something new" Kate said like she caught on to something.

"Nah, Jake takes virginity's all the time so that can't be it." Luke chimed in.

"Jake probably just thinks your cute and wants a challenge honestly... as for Josh he probably just feels bad and wants to help you out but isn't sure how." Lindsey says boldly.

"Okay now that's some advice" I said with a smile.
"But still I'm not a game he can toy with and I don't want anything to do with him. Josh.. Josh just doesn't make sense why would he feel bad? He stopped our friendship and hasn't said anything since if he felt once pinch of hurt he would have done something."

"I'm not seeing the big deal here. Josh and you haven't been friends in years and elementary school was a long time ago! Not everyone stays friends, I think you should just drop the grudge you have against him and try to be friends." Kate said.

Contemplating all my thoughts... "maybe your right." I said unsure of myself.


Saturday and Sunday I basically just lounged around the house all day doing homework. It was actually a pretty satisfying weekend but now Monday rolled back around and that's when I hear.....

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