World crashing down..[chapter thirty six]

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Chapter thirty six••

Addison's POV~

It was Saturday afternoon midday and I haven't left my room. My mom tried to talk to me again but I ignored it. She eventually had to go to work so she's gone now.

I grabbed a black backpack and packed some clothes, makeup, shoes, dress, girl stuff, and my wallet. I was leaving.... like I said Addison is gone.

When you get your heartbroken so many times by the people you love, what's the point? Where's my trust... what does that mean for me? My dad, Josh for awhile, Matthew and now Jake.

I walked into my bathroom to wash of my face before I left and I looked in the mirror and saw something. Someone who didn't look like me. I looked broken, beaten down, betrayed, angry.. which I was. (Picture number 1 up top)

I know people might think this is nothing but this is the second time I've fallen for someone and have been completely broken. I need a break break from life and reality.

I wrote a note so my mom would know I wasn't dead because I was only 17 that read....

Mom, I love you so much always know that. I'm okay please trust me. I just need a break, give me some space please... this isn't like me I know but sometimes we don't feel like ourselves and eventually need to find ourselves some how and that's what I'm doing. I'm okay! Bye. Xoxo

I could saying I was going to my friends for a weekend but I knew lying wasn't going to work and if she figured it out it would freak her out even more. I know my friends once they see me inactive and not responding for awhile they will show up to my house.

I then grabbed my car keys and walked out to my car putting my bag in the back and left. I didn't have a plan but I knew I was going to do something different.

I drove around for about an hour and it was now four.... I went to a atm to get money out so I didn't have to buy things on my car so my mom could see it and track what I was getting to find me. Then saw a hotel that looked pretty nice but not to expensive.

I pulled in a grabbed my bag while walking in the hotel up to the front desk. I was about an hour away to home not to close and not to far in case anything does go wrong. I am a smart girl. I paid for a room for tonight which was 85 and got a pamphlet and went to the elevator to get to my room.

I got to my room which was pretty nice and dark which I liked. I set my stuff down and sat on the bed to read the pamphlet she gave me with things to do basically and rules and what time breakfast is. This is pretty cool.

I was reading and then something caught my eye.... self defense classes at 5:00 I looked at the same and it was absolutely perfect. If I get ready and go I'll be right on time and it went with paying for a room.

I left my hair how it was in a low messy ponytail with some pieces out. I then put on a maroon sports bar with sports black leggings with black and white Nikes. I looked cute for this class.

I walked to where it was being held which was far and I walked into the nice room where there was only one person. "Looks like it's just you today, I'm Jessie." Said the obvious coach who was super cute.

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