Down for you..[chapter forty]

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Chapter forty••

Lindseys POV~

It landed right on Jake Knight having Nicole Gordon up against a locker making out.... I thought he loved her? That's the girl he lost her with!

"Oh!" Kate said.

"My!" I said.

"FUCK!" Addison said.

Addison then started speed walking towards the two at full force.... she's gonna blow.

I follow her trail right behind her trying to stop her but there is no stopping this one! She then forcefully pulls Jake off of Nicole and Jakes looks beyond shocked while Nicole just looks evil.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Addison screams.

"What? Last time I checked you guys broke up and you had a mental break down." Nicole said with a smirk causing Addison to flip.

Addison then pushes Nicole up against the locker "You're the reason we broke up bitch because you're a slut!" Addison snapped.

"Not my fault you didn't please him." Nicole said back.

"Not my fault I wasn't easy." Addison said back with a smirk which made Nicole mad.

"I'm not easy, I wanted him and he wanted me simple." She said back.

"No he wanted me but was hurt so he needed someone to make his poor pathetic heart feel better." Addison said back in a harsh tone.

"Believe whatever you want but he still cheated on you for some one better." Nicole snapped.

"Please you are worthless seconds. He would take me back in a heart beat if I would let him but I'm not stupid enough to give to player another chance. I'm glad you're happy with being someones second choice and ruining relationships because now that's all you'll ever be. You will be someone's whore that doesn't mean a thing." Addison growled.

"Whatever you say goes in one ear and out the other so you can continue talking but it doesn't mean I'm listening. Just get over yourself and stop being jealous it doesn't look good on you." Nicole said back to Addison.

"We both know he down graded babe!" Addison simply said back.

"You better watch yourself." Nicole snapped back.

"Watch myself? Why I can kick your ass in a heart beat." Addison said.

"But you won't." Nicole said with a smirk.

"Wouldn't be to sure." Addison said back with a growl. Gosh I'm confused now.

"Well I am." Nicole spoke back. Wow nice come back idiot.

"He only wanted you despite me Nicole!" Addison snapped.

"Maybe that's true.. but who's is he with now?" Nicole asked Addison.

"As far as I know no one." Addison said back.

"Wrong again! This is my boyfriend now so feel free to leave." Nicole said and Addison slapped her across the face. That's when Jake grabbed Addison and pulled her away.

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