Lover not fighter..[chapter thirty nine]

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Chapter thirty nine••

Addison's POV~

It's March first... that was fast believe me I know. Even though I'm scared to go back to school and relaxing was nice I was excited for school. To be back with my friends and see my teachers... basically Josh socialize. I'm still surprised I did this and that my mom let me.

Today is also the first day of me going back to my life I mean on social media I got the bin out and all of my stuff and it was crazy how many notifications were on my phone. 7 weeks without a phone... crazy in this day in age right.

I woke up a little earlier today and took a hot shower to let myself think about today before it actually happen. I have a theory I'm going to ignore Jake and avoid him at all coast. I'm going to have a good day with my friends and Ignore the whispers and looks.

Today I left my hair natural for a day so I left it dry normal. Which means my hair will eventually come down in pretty brown waves. I should stop using heat on my hair, it's pretty as is.

I put on my regular makeup today because I wasn't dressing up my face but I was going to look good. No matter what nothing will change me and makeup isn't going to help me get Jake back even if it did I still wouldn't because that's not right. Caking your face is ugly not cute.... FYI ladies.

I did the rest of my lady stuff.... which basically consist of brushing my teeth, moisturize, lotion, deodorant, perfume and etc.

Now it was time to pick out my outfit. I wanted to go with something cute but causal but I was some how making a statement. I put on medium washed mom jeans that were actually super freaking cute. I then put on a black and white marble crop top over it revealing both. I grabbed some black heals to match with the shirt and grabbed a black book bag with some rhinestones on it. (Picture up top)

I'm ready and better than ever!

I walked down stairs to see my mom making me fresh toast! Yay Yay!

"You're down earlier." My mom says with a small smile.

"It's my first day back, got to be ready." I said back to her and she just nodded.

"How as you feeling about that anyways?" My mom asked.

"Scared but excited! I'll be completely fine. It's high school I'll survive some how." My mom just laughed at my comment while handing me a plate of French toast.

"Just please be good!" My mom said while giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"When am I not?" I asked because I'm truly never bad.

"You just left for almost a week and no one knew where you were, you don't get to use that one right now." She said back. Touché.!

Honk... honk... Honk!

I heard from Lindsey's car giving me my Qué to go as I walked out I saw Kate in the front which means I'm going in the back. What the hell?

"Kate asked for a ride and didn't know you were coming." Lindsey said as I got in.

"And that gives her a right to take my seat why?" I asked kinda rude which I didn't mean.

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