Wish I never looked..[chapter fourteen]

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Hey guys update each day•• Hope You Enjoy!

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Xoxo -E

Chapter fourteen••

Addison's POV~

I know what you're all thinking I'm dramatic for leaving the lunch area yesterday but I didn't leave school. I just went to walk around until next period. I didn't talk to anyone the rest of the day.

Today I decided I wasn't going to be sad or upset or awkward or anything. I'm going to have a good day and be happy. Why let stupid crap get to me anyway?

I woke up and got ready for school just like any other normal day. I straighten my hair and put on a pretty yellow ruffle off the shoulder top with white shorts and brown strapy egyptian sandals as I like to call them. (Picture up top) I did the rest of what I usually do in the morning and went downstairs.

My mom wasn't downstairs like she usually was but there was a plate of food and a note that caught my eye that read.

Hey honey I had to head into work early today, I'll be home late tonight so I'll see you tomorrow and we can talk about things. I have something new to tell you. I love you so so much! Xoxo

Hmm.. I wonder what she has to tell me.

I finished eating and washed my plate just in time to hear Lindsey's car horn, that's my cue. I grabbed my  brownside back that I was using today I know I always switch bags but when you have so many why not. I slowly walked out of my house to see a smiling Lindsey through the front window of her car. Lindsey is so gorgeous I'm really not sure how she hasn't found herself a boyfriend yet but if you ask me but that's just her choice.

When we were in the car we just talked about random stuff that was going on in the world like celebrities and what was going on in our classes and listen to some music. Car rides were never really boring with Lindsey but definitely weren't as fun as ones with Josh.

When we arrived at school we were walking towards the front when I saw a very good looking friend walking my way. "Hey Josh!" I greeted as he gave me a hug.

"Hey Addi! How's your day been so far?" He said back.

"Pretty good!" I laughed. "Not much as happen yet though." I answered.

"Seems odd for you." He said as he was looking at me to catch my reaction.

"These days.. pretty much." I said with a small giggle. A few months ago all my would've been simple and sweet but now there's always something new an interesting.

"Wanna make it better?" Josh then asked.

"How so?"

"What about a Addison and Josh day. We will hang out all day even at school and after we can just hang." He said with a big smile. Well how can I decline that face?

"I love too!" I said back.

He then walked with me to class because we have first period together while we were talking about what we were going to do after school. I was honestly excited it's always a good time with Josh and that's something I'm very thankful for.

Walking into my math class and sitting down I realize.... Ugh my day just began. Yay!

Josh and I have been together basically all day. Every passing period we meet and he walks me to my class or our class as I would say right now. Right now we were walking together to our fourth period History class because that's another class we have together. I have two classes with Josh well basically I have two classes with all my friends except for Spanish second period I have no one much to my disappointment.

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