Losing my mind..[chapter eighteen]

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Chapter eighteen••

Josh's POV~

I don't know what happen.....

One moment we're together even though as friends and the next he has her...

I know I'm suppose to be happy for them but I can't, I'm trying with everything in me to be happy but everything in me is numb. God I feel like a chick who just got her heartbroken but it feels like that in a way.

Seeing them together made my blood sizzle. Jakes one's of my best friends and he has no idea my feelings for Addison. Neither does Addison... which leaves me in a pretty shitty situation.

He obviously talked to her and made her fall for him like he did with every other girl. I swear if he hurts her.... I don't know when my feelings for her developed but they need to go away so we can' stay best friends.

As we're all standing in front of the school I see Addison coming just as Rebecca does... uh oh.
Jake does something unexpected and pushes right past Rebecca to see Addison. At least he treats her right.

"Is it true?" Rebecca asked Clay, Luke and I because we were the ones there.

"Yes." Clay replied back.

I watch them as they enter the school and it's like bullets going through my heart. What is this feeling? Why does it hurt so bad...

I pushed away all my thoughts.. I decided to forget about it to be happy for my two friends and be a good person. I need to move on so that's what I'll do.

After school I decided to walk home to clear my head. I plugged my ear phones in and put some music on. I was almost home but I suddenly ran straight into something soft... I was definitely the bigger person.

"I'm so sorry!" I said to the person I must have hit. I looked down to see a beautiful girl with strawberry long blonde hair and pretty hazel eyes. She was in a running outfit so I obviously ruined her day. Oops.

"Need help?" I said extending my arm out to help her up with a smirk on my face.

"Gentlemen? I like it." She said back grabbing my hand.

"Wouldn't be anything less." I said back to her with a wink.

"I'm Megan!" She says reaching out to shake my hand.

"Josh." I say back simply and finish her shake.

"Well I guess I'll catch you around." She said then started running the opposite direction while putting her headphones back on. I couldn't even call after her. Did I even want to call after her??

I decided to go home and take a shower. Right when I got in I got a text from Clay.

Hey man, are you okay? You seemed a little bit off today.

I was going to answer him but I decided to ignore it because what's the point of lying honestly. I took a shower to think and then got dressed to go out. I felt like I couldn't sit in one place. When I looked at my phone I got another text from Luke.

Since Jake and Addison are going out tonight Wanna do something?

Well why not??

Lets grab coffee, meet at the diner in 5?

I ran out to my car and got in and drove to the guys and I favorite diner where I was meeting Luke. Luke's a very got listener and doesn't repeat stuff most of the time so maybe I can talk to him about it.

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