Shake the feeling..[chapter thirty three]

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Chapter thirty three••

Addison's POV~

Goodnight Hawaii.

BANG! BANG! BANG!.......

We all three shot up from our bed and snapped our heads towards the direct of the loud noise. Uh oh. This can't be good.

We automatically get up and run towards the noise like idiots. I mean who does that? It could be a robber or murder or umm psycho.... or it's two stupid guys rolling around on the floor fighting. Yeah I'm standing here looking at the fourth option. Guys are such idiots.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Lindsey screams.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" I screamed after.

"WHY ARENT YOU HELPING?" Lindsey yelled at Luke and Clay standing there watching Josh and Jake beat the living crap out of each other for no apparent reason. While Megan stood in the corner like a statue.

"This is hilarious..." Kate said standing there trying to hold in a laugh clearly not helping this situation.


"DUDE YOUR CRAZY!" Josh yelled back.

"STOP, STOP! STOPPPP!" I yelled even louder but neither of them stopped. You know I always read and see in movies the girl go to try and stop the fight and be helpful or whatever but it never works out. The girl always endings up getting hurt and the guys feel awful blah blah Blah... let's save the drama and stand here yelling like a idiot. That seems like the better option.

"OK! OK! Break it up!" Luke says pulling Jake off while Clay grabs Josh. Once they get them both up they both stare deep into each other's eyes with hate. what the heck happen?

"What's going on?" Lindsey said.

"Yeah it would be helpful to know." I said which made both of them snap there attention on me in a flash.

"I would love to know!" Kate said in a amused tone which caused another glare from me.

"He has some type of thing for my girlfriend!" Jake spat out in disgust and I didn't dare to make a face or move because I know my actions were being watched closely.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." Josh said back almost instantly.

"How do you figure? You clearly do. You have some type of jealousy problem and your own girlfriend doesn't help the situation for you because she knows as well." Jake shoots back.

"You must have some real issues to make up this story. I don't know what you pulled out of your ass right now but you're trying to make things look different than what they are. I've been friends with her for so long and you're trying to turn that into something more for attention. I'm not dealing with that bullshit." Josh said back angrily... he's never angry really.

"Bullshit my ass! I've seen the way you've been acting and since the moment we've dated you haven't liked it. I'm done with the we've known each other forever story. Right after we got together you went out and got yourself a girlfriend to make yourself feel better. That's right Megan you're a rebound." Jake said looking at Josh then to Megan. That was harsh.

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