Date night..[chapter seventeen]

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Xoxo -E

Chapter seventeen••

Addison's POV~

Today is Thursday and it's date night considering we don't have school tomorrow because it's a staff preparation day Jake asked me last night on a date for tonight. Nervous would honestly be a understatement. It's so much easier when people are friends because there isn't all the expectations like there is when you're dating.

Except there shouldn't be because he's my boyfriend and he likes me the way I am. No matter how stubborn, bossy, opinionated and goofy I am he's with my because I'm me and that's good enough.

I can't scratch away the thought of him leaving me. What happens when he gets bored? When I'm not longer interesting to him... what will I do? I refuse to be broken all over again.

Getting ready for school I tried to look cute considering everyone is going to know I'm Jakes girlfriend and I don't need girls to talk about me even more than they already are.

I put on black ripped skinny jeans with a baby blue tube top paired with baby blue slip on vans. I didn't take a shower because my hair was curled from yesterday and still looked pretty damn good. I put on the same amount of makeup I usually do, I wasn't changing because of other girls judgment. I grabbed my brown side bag that I mostly use for school.

I went down stairs to be greeted by not just one but two adults. Dane stayed the night last night and I'm going to be honest it was nice to be greeted by two instead of one especially a father figure.

"Hey sweetie, you look very pretty." My mom said.

"Good morning Addison I must say you look like a very nice young lady." Dane chimed in.

"Good morning guys. Thank you!" I said with a big smile.

My mom sat down today and we all sat and ate breakfast until Lindsey honked from the driveway.
I got up and went to give my mom a kiss on the cheek and said bye then starting walking away but stopped. Danes a father and he's so very nice I can show him that I recognize that. I turn around and give Dane a kiss on the cheek with a simple goodbye then I'm out the door. I could tell it made them happy.

"Don't you look pretty! Dressing up for your new boyfriend aren't we?" Lindsey asked.

"More like my boyfriends obsessed lovers and there claws!" I answered back with a small giggle.

"touché!" She said back in a cute tone.

Jake offered to take me to school but I said it was okay. Don't get me wrong I would love to go with him but it's been me a Lindsey's thing for years and I don't want that to stop because of a guy. Friends will be there forever and you can't ignore them and forget about them because you're in love with the lust of something new.

Just as we were pulling up and I got out of the car everyone was already staring. Fun! Least I'm a performer so people looking at me in big crowds doesn't bother me.

I walked towards the school and saw Jake standing there with his friends just as I was walking up I saw Rebecca go up to Jake and stopped in my tracks. I had to see this. He looked up and saw me while pushing her away to walk towards me. That's my boy! I could see her death glare burning through my Skull.

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