Together were cupid..[chapter forty eight]

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Chapter forty eight••

Addison's POV~

We walked over to a closet and opened it to see.....

"OH MY GOD!" I shouted.

"Uh oh!" Lindsey said.

"Hey guys!" Luke said.

I just walked in on two of my best friends completely lip locking in a dark gross closet and at a gallery...! Why?

"Wanna explain?" I asked them.

"Nothing to say..." Luke said dragging it along

"Oh really?" Josh said in a challenging tone.

"Okay Fine... were..were just hooking up." Luke said and Lindsey looked down right away.

"Yeah, yeah what he said." Lindsey said right after which you could tell she was forcing it out. She doesn't want it to be a hook up does she?

"Are you sure?" I asked and Josh elbowed me. "Ow! What was that for?" I asked Josh.

"Don't metal!" Josh said back.

"I don't metal!" I shot back.

"I'm afraid you do." He said again.


"Addison, yes!"


"Uh Yeahhh."

"Guys were gonna go.." Luke said.

"SHUT UP!" Josh and I both yelled at them causing them to stay in place.

"Anyways are we done with this conversation Addison?" Josh asked.

"Whatever." I said while I slumped.

"Can we go now?" Lindsey asked.

"Yes Josh and Luke can go but you missy are staying." I said to Lindsey. I needed to talk to her about this little situation.

I mean I get it when you're in a friend group with the equal amount of guys and girls and two of them are a couple and the other two are almost a couple... it makes sense they went for each other. But at the same time we've all been friends forever and I would hate for it to get awkward.

I then pushed Luke out of the closet and pulled Lindsey and I in the closet shutting it right away.

"You wanna hook up too?" Lindsey asked while laughing.

"Oh yeah because I'm into all that kind of freaky stuff." I said while laughing.

"I think you are." Lindsey said.

"I'm not having a back and forth argument together right now in a dark spooky closet." I said back to her and she just nodded in agreement.

"Spookyyyyyy!" Lindsey said is a awful witch voice.

"Stop!" I snapped back.

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