Prom Prom Prom..[chapter forty four]

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Chapter forty four••

Addison's POV~

It's prom, well tomorrow is prom! Today is Friday's and I still haven't been asked to prom and it's my senior year so thats a bit scary. I'm pretty sure I repel guys at this point and part of me is okay with that.

I got up and got ready for school wearing a maroon tank top tucked into a black skirt. I went down stairs to eat and then went to school, myself. Again! I love my new car.

Once I got to school no one was outside, no one. I decided to walk in and as soon as I did all the televisions turned on playing a video... It started with flows and the words "Will you go to prom with me?"

A blonde boy walked out and looked at me before realization hit... "Guys wrong girl" He said. "Set back up." and he then vanished.

Embarrassing... that's the only word I could come up with.

After school I went home with no prom date! Looks like Addison is flying solo. I would go with Luke but he's already going with Lindsey for some reason, so much for girls before guys or whatever. Then on the other side cute little couple Clay and Kate are going together. And i'm actually not sure what Josh is doing.

I already had my dress I got it a little bit ago with the girls. It's a black, blue, silverish color sparkle sequence dress. It's beautiful and it definitely pops.

The thing is us girls all got our dresses together but we haven't seen each other. We're kind of surprising each other which is weird because we usually help each other. This is our last high school prom why not do something different.

I honestly kind of didn't want to go to prom, it's not even that I don't have a date I just feel like it's a bad time. Plus all my friends have dates which means I'll be alone.

Which brings me back to now currently sleeping and dreaming in my bed on a Saturday morning until my psycho friends come in and wake me up at 7:00am.
Why are we up so early when prom isn't until 7:oopm? That's because my best friends have plans.

We're getting our nails done, toes done, facial treatment, tan, hair and makeup done. This whole big thing and I'm going to be super tired by the start of the dance.

"WAKE UP!" Kate yelled.

"Go away!" I said muffled into my pillow. One of my friends then pulls it out from under me so my head falls hitting the mattress.

"We gotta go!" They said.

"How about... No?" I said thinking I was clever because I made it rhyme... guess not. The covers were then pulled off me which didn't make me get up. I could still sleep like a baby without them.

"Get up or you'll regret it!" Lindsey said in a threatening tone. I just turned my head the opposite way and that's when ice cold water was being poured on me hitting my face.

"I'm going to kill you!" I death stared my friends.

"Okay!okay! After prom!" Kate said in a rushed tone.

After we did all the elements of getting ready for prom we went home to get dressed and wait for our limo.

We all walked out and I loved there dresses! Lindsey's was baby pink with almost tutu fabric that has the same color flowers on it. The dress flowed down perfected making her look gorgeous.

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