Secret & lies..[chapter forty one]

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Chapter forty one••

Addisons POV~

Suddenly Josh started leaning in closer and closer....... uh oh.

"You have hair in your mouth." Josh said while pulling it out and pushing me back up. So much for my princess moment... I read into it so wrong.

"Oh thank you." I said while getting out of the jacuzzi. I went to grab my clothes but they were still wet. "Ugh my clothes are still wet!" I said quietly said to myself.

"Come on you can borrow some of my clothes." Josh said while getting out and leading me inside.

We walked up stairs to his room to grab some clothes for me and he gave me some gray sweats and a black t-shirt.

"Thank you, I'm going to go." I said back nervously and I had no idea why.

"Alright, I'll walk you out." He walked me out and watched as I drove away.

It's Friday! I survived my first week back and it wasn't that bad except for Jake and Nicole everything was good but there together and we go to school together so I mean... I have to deal with it.

Today is the beach day/bonfire that I'm excited for, it starts at 5:00 and ends at 10:00. I want to go to have fun I honestly don't want drama but inside I feel like there is going to be something that happens.

So right now I'm at home getting ready. I left my hair and makeup straight from the day and put on a black and white polkadot bikini. The top was a white base with black dots and then on my bottoms the top rim was the same and the bottoms were opposite. It was a super cute bathing suit that I got recently. (Picture up top)

Josh was picking me up so I can ride with him there to meet the rest of our friends. I don't know why arrangements were this way but considering he asked me to go it seemed right. I don't think either of us are thinking much of it though. Maybe....

I've always thought about Josh as a friend but sometimes it feels... feels different and I can't explain it. I'm not sure what it is but I hope I eventually figure it out.

I was ready early so I decided to wait outside on the porch swing for him until he arrives which wasn't long because he was always a little early or on time like me. We do so many thinks alike it's funny. I use to believe in that whole opposites attracted business but now look where Jake and I are? Not together....

I walked up to Josh's really nice black big car that was like a perfect guy car and greeted him with a "Hey!" adding a cute little smile.

"Hey beautiful!" Josh said which made me blush. Crap why did I do that all the time?

"Are you excited?" I asked in a happy tone.

"Excited that the wonderful Addison is coming?... I don't know maybe." He said causing me to laugh. Always joking..

When we arrived you wouldn't believe this was a school put on event. There was no adult supervision considering we were all 17 and 18. There is huge waterslides, bouncy houses, bonfires in different areas, bars, food stands. Also so many different activities going on like egg toss, Hula hoo contest, drinking games and girls versus boys rope pulling contest.

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