Just maybe.. [chapter seven]

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Chapter seven••

Addison's POV~


Friday rolled around again pretty fast after my Tuesday with both boys. Today Josh was coming over to do our project for math. Kate a Luke were coming later in the day because apparently they both had something to do right after.

"Ring, ring, ring," was the sound that let us out of our last period ready for the weekend. Josh was giving me a ride home today considering he was coming with me. I was on my way to meet Josh by the front of the school when I ran directly into Jake.

"Someone's bad on their own two feet." He said in a amused tone.

"Someone's bad at not walking into people." I shot back. He just stood there staring at me smiling. Umm ok?

"Look I have to go." I said I don't want to keep Josh waiting.

"Where?" He said in a curious tone. Why does he care?

"With josh."

"Why?" He said looking annoyed.

"We have a project together." I answered simply.

"What project?"

"I really have to get going." With that I walked around him out to the entrance. Josh told me to stay away from him but for some reason it's so hard, he seems to always be right there.

"Find A circle of center (-3 , -2) passes through the points (0 , -6) and (a , 0). Find a." I said to josh.

"Ugh Addison I have no idea." He said throwing his pencil at me. I'm literally going to go cage fighter on his ass right now. For the last hour he's been no help once so ever, I've basically done everything for him. I don't really have a problem with it but he could at least not be annoying and bug me. Just as I thought that he threw his notebook right at my head. He starts dying laughing.

"JOSH!! WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled at him.

"What?" He said in an innocent tone.

I grabbed the closest thing I saw which was a pillow and started repeatedly smacking it with him.

"Addison... Addison okay I'm sorry! Stop" He said.

I continued to smack him until he pulled my legs out from under me and I fell under him. He grabbed the pillow from me and starting smacking me with it. Why do things always back fire with this boy?

The door then opens with a shocked Luke and Kate.

"What's going on here?" Kate said.

"Did we interrupt something?" Luke said with a smirk.

Me and Josh both looked at each other then them then are position. We both got up in a flash and answered in sync "No!"

They both started laughing. What? Why?

"Your guys faces were priceless." Kate said.

"Wow thanks" I said back.

"Looks like you were really into it Addi!" Luke added.

"What? No!" I shot back with a cold glare.

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