I saw you..[chapter thirty five]

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Chapter thirty five••

Addison's POV~

Now I was in 3rd period chem with my favorite partner in the whole entire world Michale Edwards! The boy who can't stop hitting on me and saw me half naked in a locker room. Isn't that the greatest?

"Hey gorgeous!" Michale said as he sat down next to me.

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"Ouch don't bruise my ego princess!" He then said right after.

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"Haven't seen you around Knight lately, is that already over?" He asked which made me want to punch him in his over confident cocky face.

I turned my head slowly to look at him and stared deep into his eyes which probably scared the crap out of him. "Don't say another word Michale!" I snapped.

"Awh? It's over isn't..." Michale asked. "I mean I thought so since I saw him with another girl but then again it is Jake so you never know." Michale finished.

"Your lying!" I snapped.

"Am I?"

"Shut up!"

"Can you please make me?"

"I'm throwing up!"

"I mean you make Jake right?" He asked.

"Shut up you nasty liar!" I snapped again.

"You're right I'm lying." He said with a smirk then turned his head towards the front of the class. Jake wouldn't do that right? I'm not even worried.

I turned around to see Lindsey and Megan looking at us intensely obviously trying to see what's going on. I'll fill Lindsey in on it later.

Fourth period history! It probably is my favorite period because I have history but I also have Jake, Josh and Clay in this class which would usually be fine but it's going to be awkward now considering Jake is actually here.

I walked in and see all of them sitting in the back like they use to.... When Jake and I started dating he started sitting by me but now I guess he's back in his original seat which is okay. I go to my seat and sit down while grabbing and opening my textbook and notebook.

"Good morning class!" Mrs.lance said. The whole class answered in return waiting for her to continue. "Today we have a transfer coming into our class, please welcome Mr.Matthew Client." She said which made my mouth drop as he walked into the class eyeing me. I could hear Jake snicker all the way from over here. Why me?

"Please sit next to Addison one of our finest students! Please raise your hand darling." She said while I slowly raised my hand.

"Oh I know Addison, very very well." Matthew said with a smirk in front of the whole entire class.

I heard Jake slam his fist into his desk so fast and hard it could have broken in two.

"Don't start now." Mrs.lance said. That's it? No detention. Ughhhhh!!!

Matthew then sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder "Hey babe!" He said which made me cringe.

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