Take a hint..[chapter fifteen]

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Xoxo -E

Chapter fifteen••

Jakes POV~

Seeing Addison and Josh together didn't make me very happy. I understand their friends and he's my friend but for some reason It's looks like more. I can't explain it.

Josh hasn't been with us all day, he's been with her... with Addison. He's even sitting with her at lunch right now. Somethings going on with them.

I turn my head to see Josh grab Addison by her waist and twist her around which made me want to get up and go over there and tell him to get his hands off... but I can't. I focus my attention on someone else like the girl sitting beside me who doesn't fight with me, insult me, challenge me and will listen to me. Why can't I just like her? She's so much easier. Rebecca's not Addison though... no one is.

My attention is then again drawn to the laughing at the other table I look over to see Josh putting his arms over her and pulling her tight into his body while putting something in her mouth. I clench my jaw in jealousy and anger while death glaring Josh.

Just then Addison looks over and her beautiful eyes make contact with me and she quickly looks away. She can't even look at me. Why do I always mess up?

The lunch bell rings and I quickly get out of there so I don't have to watch anymore between my best friend and I don't know what to call her at this point.

I walk into my next classroom then realizing that I have it with Addison and automatically curse under my breath.

"You good bro?" Luke asked grabbing my attention away from all things Addison.

"Just fine." I said back looking him directly in the eye.

"Are you sure because-? I cut him off and looked at him seriously can't he take a hint?

"Luke, I'm fine." And he didn't say another word.

"Look if it's Addison... just give it time she will get over it and you guys will pull through." He said.

I looked at him with a look of shocked. "I'm not stupid I can see you're into each other the only people who can't see it are you two." I looked down and stayed completely silent. He was right. I think...

"Addison is strong and stubborn but she's caring and forgiving. She doesn't hold grudges for long you just need to show her that you care and I can see that you do. With that I'm asking you don't hurt her again!" I looked at him with a glare, why would he think I would hurt her? He then continued speaking...

"You already did once and she doesn't deserve it twice. You guys are both my best friends and I don't want to have to choose." Because he'll choose her... who wouldn't? I just gave him a simple nod letting him now I understood but I wanted to move on.

I needed to talk to Addison... like soon.

The last bell rang letting us know school was over and the first thing I did was go look for Addison. I went to her locker, where she meets with her friends after school, to the dance room. Doesn't she have dance practice??

My last place to look was the front of the school which probably should have been one of the first places to look but I stop in my tracks at the sight of something. Addison getting in Josh's car... calm down Jake he's probably just giving her a ride home it's not like it means anything.

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