#3: The Night We Met

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(A/N) Trigger Warning: Suicide.


When the night was full of terrors, And your eyes were filled with tears,
When you had not touched me yet.
Oh, take me back to the night we met.

I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you,
Take me back to the night we met...



The brunette turned around to face Lauren when she heard her name.

"I'll see you on Monday?" She asked with hope laced in her tone. Camila had invited her to spend the night with her. The Cabellos were planning on going to a restaurant to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. They were a bit worried about leaving Camila on her own; her brother wasn't going to be at home that night either, but she assured them she was going to be okay.

Camila smiled; it not quite reaching her eyes. It's how it had been for the last few weeks but no one noticed, or they chose not to notice it. "Yeah. I'll see you Monday."

Little did Lauren know, that was going to be the very last words she was ever going to hear from her friend...the girl she was in love with. She watched as Camila slung her backpack over her shoulder and walked away with her head down and eyes to the floor.

She didn't know how much she would regret letting Camila walk away from her like that.

Lauren didn't know she was going to live with a life of regrets after that moment.

It was only at 9:01am the very next day Lauren was awoken to her older sister shaking her; trying to wake her from her slumber.

"What the fuck, Reid?" Lauren asked as she rubbed her eyes. "I hope someone died for you to be waking me up this early."

Reid didn't say. She had a somber expression etched on her face.

"What? What happened?" Lauren asked. "Are mom and dad okay?"

"It's Camila," she croaked out. "She's dead."

The younger Jauregui sat up so quickly on her bed. "You're fucking with me. You've got to be fucking with me," But when Reid's expression didn't change, that's when Lauren knew her sister wasn't lying. She didn't know what to feel; a surge of emotions and none all at once. "W-what...what happened?"

"She killed herself last night...Her parents found her in the shower when they got home from their date," Reid said sadly. She knew her sister was in love with Camila. In fact, Reid was the one who kept telling her sister to try to pursue something with the young Cuban, but Lauren was too scared to even do that. She was too afraid of ruining a friendship they didn't really have.

"S-she..." was all Lauren managed to stutter out as the tears began to flow from her eyes. She latched onto her older sister and sobbed loudly into her shoulder. "S-she...s-she can't be gone. She just can't," Lauren kept repeating. Her sister didn't say anything, she couldn't say anything to calm Lauren down.

In fact, Reid was beyond distraught as well. Both her and Camila had a somewhat casual friendship. They were friendly with one another and would joke around a lot when they bumped into each other at school. Reid was a senior while Lauren and Camila were both Juniors.

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