#27: I Hope

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(A/N) Happy Valentine's Day, Guuyyss 🌹🤍 i know yall dont have any plans, neither do i 💀 so read with me 😋


I hope she makes you feel the same way,
About her that I feel about you right now...


I was too scared to leave.

Too in love to let go.

But I am too broken to stay.

So I kept letting you hurt me, and I called it love.


"Listen, Lauren," I sighed heavily, running a hand through my hair, as I stared at anywhere but you. "I love you, I really do. But no amount of love I have for you would allow me to stay in this fucked up thing that we call a 'relationship'."

Lauren kinked an eyebrow at me. "Ouch, amor. You're wounding me."

"And you wound me when you broke my heart so," I smiled, well grimaced at the thought. "You broke my heart, and I forgave you, and you broke my trust and I still let you in. But I can't keep doing this, Lauren."

She nodded in understanding. "For what it's worth, amor, I really did love you." She paused, and looked me in the eyes. "I never wanted to hurt you."

My mind when back to the days when our relationship was good, perfect even.

How perfect can something be just for it to end the way we did?

"Maybe you didn't want to at some point," I told her, and I did believe her. When we had first met, when we shared our first kiss, our first night together... maybe she didn't mean to hurt me but she did. "But you did, and it doesn't lessen the fact that it fucking hurts."

Lauren opened her mouth, but no words came out besides a mere apology. One that she had said hundreds of times. "I'm...I'm sorry."

I reached out and caressed her face, she leaned into me. This probably was the most intimate we had been in a while. Touching her, had brought back so many memories; good and bad but I couldn't allow myself to be pulled back into those memories. Slowly, I removed my hand. "I know you are, but all the 'I'm sorry's can't and will never take the pain away that I felt. That I still feel."

She looked into my eyes, and for a moment, I could see the Lauren I had fallen in love with.

The Lauren that had loved me back.

The Lauren that had cared.

"I wish nothing but the best for you, I mean that. I really do."


"Speak of the devil," I looked up from my phone, and locked eyes with one of my dearest and best friends; Ximena. We were practically friends from the womb; as both of our mothers were friends themselves. Ximena, was more of a sister to me than a best friend. I loved her dearly, and I know she felt the same.

"Hey," I grinned at her, and pulled her into a hug. "It's been a minute, how have you been?"

Ximena laughed. "You act as though we don't talk to each other every day, and as though I didn't see you last week Wednesday."

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