#13: Certain Things

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(A/N) Because I want to...it's a Maggie and Ariana one shot


And there's certain things that I adore,
And there's certain things that I ignore,
But I'm certain that I'm yours,
Certain that I'm yours,
Certain that I'm yours...


Maggie's POV

I don't think anyone ever knows the exact moment that they fell in love.

I think there a signs, though. Signs that you notice over time, because you're thinking about her the moment she leaves. She's on your mind the second that you wake up, and when she's not okay, you're silently praying that she will be.

At least, that's how's it was for me.

When she's not with you, you're thinking about holding her hands, kissing her lips. And when she's with you, you cherish those precious moments.

You find yourself smiling at just the thought or her.

She's on your mind, and you're hoping that you're on hers too.

You're waiting impatiently for the next time that you can talk to her, and meet her.

That feeling you get whenever you're around her, it's hard to describe, but it's the love and hope that she'll be in your life until your dying breath.

You know you are in love when you're willing to sacrifice time for the sake of their happiness and to see them smile, and with love, there comes honesty and trust.

Two traits that you both possess when it comes to each other.

To love, is to care.

To love, is to share every happy moment and work through every struggle that you're both faced with...together.

But above all, love is the most beautiful thing you will ever experience with the right person.

Truth is, love and relationships are one hell of a complicated thing. Your feelings and the choices that you make won't always be clear and sometimes they might conflict with what you say and do.

It's okay to feel confused and uncertain.

You should take all the time you need to come to the right decision, because trust me, the wrong move can ruin you.

I used like to say that I've never been in love.

When someone were to ask me if I've ever fallen for someone, I'd just shrug and tell them no, and I don't quite know why I would do that, because even though it didn't work out, I shouldn't try to wipe it from my memory.

Because, truth is, it was one of the best feelings I felt at the time. Despite the fact that it completely tore my heart apart.

I've been in love twice in my entire life.

I might've felt something similar to love in between those two times, but I won't consider it 'love'.

When I was fifteen, I met this girl. Her name was Antonella, and even though she was about four years older than me, the age gap didn't even phase me. She was everything and more that I could ever want.

We didn't work out, obviously, because I wouldn't be thinking about her today.

It was easy to fall in love with her, but the rest was so hard. It was hard knowing that someone like her was out there, and I can't be with her anymore.

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