#8.5: Ocean (Remix)

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(A/N) Part 2 to the 'All Again' one shot. Forgive me if it's not 100% accurate, as I don't really remember what I wrote, nor was I going to reread it.


If tomorrow we had to part ways,
I'd still love you always, yah, yah, yah,
It's aforever,no matter whathappens to you, love,
And if anybodyhurts you, they hurt me,
Any time that you're in pain, I get no sleep,
And I put this on my life babe,
Hand up to the sky, I'm not letting us go...


Camila's POV

~ I saw nothing but forever in her eyes ~


"You're moping."

I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced up at one of my best friends; Ashley. She placed a cup of coffee in front of me and took a seat next to my other friend; Natalia. We had this thing where even though we were insanely busy, every week we would try our best to meet and catch up with each other.

A bit of sanity amidst the storm of insanity.

"I'm not moping," I rolled my eyes and took a sip of the warm liquid. I sighed in content as it touched my tongue. "What makes you think I am?"

Natalia did this very strange hand gesture. "You have this 'I'm moping about something that's completely out of my control' look. It's not good for your skin."

I laughed softly, shaking my head. I hadn't told them that I saw Lauren. Mainly because I'm pretty sure both of them hated Lauren. Well, I won't technically say that they 'hated' her but they weren't the biggest fans of her right now.

"You guys uh...remember my ex?"

Ashley kinked an eyebrow, as she brought her cup up to her lips. She paused her actions, "Lucille or something her name was right?"


"I mean, yeah I know her name. But pretending to not know her name is the biggest form of being petty," Ashley muttered, causing Natalia to laugh.

I guess they still don't like her.

"What about her?" My other friend asked. Her expression turned grim, it wasn't something that I usually saw. Natalia was very protective of me after I had gotten my heart broken. I didn't mind, she was truly a God sent, and I loved her to pieces.

I tugged at my collar, knowing exactly how this conversation was going.

"Did she come back from Estonia or wherever she went?"

I sighed. "Spain."

Natalia shrugged. "I know, but as Ash said, we're being petty."

I ignored her comment, continuing with what I had to say. "Hypothetically speaking, how would the both of you feel if I said that I saw her?"

Ashley and Natalia simultaneously placed their cups on the table, staring pointedly at me. "It depends, if seeing her was accidental. A fleeting moment."

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