#28: Before You Go

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(A/N) Trigger Warning


If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather...


When you're surrounded by all these people, truth is, it can be a lot lonelier than when you're by yourself. It is possible that you can be in a huge crowd, but if you don't feel like you can put your trust in anyone or even talk to anyone there, you feel like you're really alone.

And maybe you actually are.

What They Saw:

"Hello?" I said groggily into the phone, I rubbed at my eyes, tiredly. I tried to see the time because no one calls this late if it wasn't important.

2:34 a.m.


I heard the familiar voice over the phone, and my heart went into instant panic. "Dude! What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"C-can you come over?" My best friend begged. "I need you."

She didn't have to ask twice, as I was already throwing my blankets off my body, and trying to grab my shoes and a jacket in the dark. "Shit, yeah. I'm on my way." I grabbed my keys and ran out of my room, but had to run back to get my glasses because there was no way I could've driven in the dark, especially without them.

It took me about an hour to get to her, as we didn't live that close to each other. But she was my best friend and I would cross rivers for her.

"Hey." I said softly once I saw her sitting on the swings outside her home. I took a seat next to her and we sat in silence, not saying anything as I waited for her to gather her feelings and her thoughts.

"I thought..." She began but she stopped. "I thought we were forever you know? I thought he loved me but if he did...would he have broken up with me?"

I shoved my hands into my jacket, it was a rather chilly night, so for the life of me, I didn't understand why my best friend was sitting outside in the cold.

"After five years...five fucking years, just for it to end the way it did," she brought a hand up to her cheeks and wiped at them. "I'm so fucking stupid for staying with him when you said not to. I'm so fucking stupid."

I had stopped swinging and reached across for her hand, taking it in mine. "Hey, don't ever say that. You're not stupid and you were never stupid. You were in love and sometimes we just tend to always see the best in people." I brushed her hair out of her face, so that I could look at her better. "What you're feeling right now? It won't hurt forever, you're going to move on one day, but right now, allow yourself to feel everything that you're feeling. Don't brush away any of the pain, because that's only going to fuck you up even more in the days to come."

"I-," she opened and shut her mouth, as she didn't know what to say.

"You may not see it right now, but perhaps this was the best possible outcome," I told her. "That maybe the two of you not working out is the most beautiful thing that could've ever happened to the both of you. Rather than thinking about 'what could have been' try opening your eyes to 'what is'. The harsh reality is that the two of you didn't stay together because maybe you just weren't meant to be."

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