#10: Amor De Siempre

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(A/N Because you asked. Here you go. PS this isn't my music taste 3/10 would recommend.)


Cuando veo esos ojos, ahí es donde quiero vivir,
Si me besan esos labios, ay así quiero morir,
Mi canción de amor ahorita, cuando me dices "te amo,"
Quiero ver esa sonrisa, en mi cama al amanecer...


They say there is a "love of your life" and a "love for your life."

The love of your life will be your weakest point for a long time. And it won't work. No matter what you do, it will never seem to work. You'll try and you'll try. The endless tears, the pain in your chest whenever you think about them, you'll wonder if it's worth it. You'll love them, yes, and maybe you'll always love them, but love wouldn't be enough.

Then, there's the love for your life. This is the one that works. This is the one who, no matter what you're doing, you'll feel that sensation in your chest. That never ending happiness. You'll feel complete with them, even though you're whole.

There's the one that's right and the one who you want to be right.


When Lauren was 16, she thought that she was meant to be with Aiden. But they only lasted for two weeks.

Then, she met Caitlynn at the age of 18. She thought that everything was perfect between the two of them. But, they just weren't a match. She was heartbroken when they called it quits, because she really wanted them to last.

Someday you're going to wake up and it won't feel like the person who hurt you, isn't sitting on your chest anymore.

You probably won't even notice how breathing had become easier, and that's okay.

You're allowed to move on.

"Well," Lauren remembered what her older sister; Cassidy, had told her after their breakup. She couldn't remember how she found herself crying in her sister's arms. "She broke your heart and you broke hers. But you won't forget each other. Even if one day you walk past her, and neither of you acknowledges it."

That's the thing about first loves, you're never going to forget them. They were the only person who got your whole untouched heart.

They got all the love that you had saved up for this very moment and the sad thing is, they get to keep it forever.

"You may never speak again," Cassidy said, running her hands through her sister's hair. "But you can guarantee that you can still picture her eyes looking into yours as she said those three little words. Those three words that would've driven you mad. You're going to remember the way she kissed you afterwards and couldn't stop repeating those words time and time again ."


You'll also remember the last time she said those three little words, and how she told you that she was going to come back to you. The way she made you believe that a happy ending did exist for the both of you.

"Those memories will come back to haunt you. All firsts and all the lasts, the good and the bad, but what's important is the fact that your first love is just that," Cassidy placed a kiss on top of her sister's head. "She was your first but not your last."

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