#29: Never Worn White

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You asked the question,
I said, "Yes", but I'm scared,
'Cause I've never worn white,
But I wanna get it right,
Yeah, I really wanna try with you...


Camila's POV

It's not that love doesn't hurt.

Of course, it hurts. Even if you love the right person and even if they love you back.

Even if you're in a healthy relationship.

Even if it's at two in the morning and you're both laughing at something completely ridiculous that you stumbled upon on Instagram, and instead of the laughter dying down, they say something even sillier and you're clutching your stomach gasping for air while happy tears are flowing down your cheeks.

Even then, it still hurts.

Love hurts, and I think that's a fact of life.

Think of it like this, no two persons are the same; you both were brought up with different beliefs and morals. You were both moulded and shaped differently along the way. It's only natural that you're going to have disagreements.

Of course, you're going to want one thing, and they're going to want another.

Of course, even if they don't mean it they're going to say and do things that are going to hurt you.

Of course, your actions and words will hurt them, even if you love them and you promise not to do it again, you're going to slip up. We're only human after all.

The truth is, what's right for you, may be wrong for them and vice versa. But that doesn't mean that your relationship isn't right.

That doesn't mean that they're not the right one for you.

It's just the way of life, and as long as you work on things together and value each other, then everything is going to be okay.


"That's actually one of my favourite books," I paused my reading and glanced up at the person who was talking to me.

I raised an eyebrow in question. "Oh really?"

"Yeah," you nodded. "I just love the way the author portrays the relationship between the two main protagonists. Despite it all, they managed to find their way back together. Kind of makes you want to believe in love doesn't it?"

I tried to bite back a laugh as we were in a library, but I was failing miserably.

"Can I have this seat?" You asked, and again I nodded. The library was quite full, and I wasn't doing anything that important to not entertain you.

I closed the book and placed it down on the table, leaning forward. "So...who's your favourite character in the book?" I asked, intrigued.

You slipped your phone out of your jacket and placed it on the table, then locked eyes with me. "Well, I'd love to keep this little charade going but I must admit, I have absolutely no idea what you're reading." You grinned at me, and it was somehow extremely infectious, I couldn't help but do the same. "The name's Maggie. What's yours?"

"Who's to say that I'm willing to give out my name freely to a stranger?" I asked, a teasing tone behind my question.

You smiled, "Well, you make a valid point, stranger danger as they say, but I'll have you know that I'm very harmless."

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