#23: Used To Love You Sober

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(A/N) Happy New Year's, Guys ✨🎉 Here's to moving on and finding true love so my one shots won't be as relatable 🤪 Cheers 🥂


I used to think you'd never say it's over, I used to love you sober...


"Are you okay to drive?"

Lauren looked up from her empty glass, locking eyes with the bartender who had been serving her drink after drink all night.

She shrugged. "I don't have to drive, I'll just walk home and come back for my car tomorrow."

The bartender slid her a glass of water this time. "Time to sober you up." She grinned.

"I would prefer to die, if I'm being honest," Lauren sighed heavily, bringing the glass to her lips. "I don't even feel drunk." She tried to stand up, but had to grab the bar top to steady herself. "Okay, maybe I am a little drunk."

The bartender snorted loudly but tried to downplay it, "Listen, my shift is almost over, I'll drive you home myself, and then I'll call an uber."

"You don't have to do that," Lauren mumbled. She wasn't accustomed to having someone take care of her. "I'll be fine, Rosalía, seriously."

The bartender patted Lauren on the arm. "It's okay, Lauren. I kind of thought we were friends now? I mean, you spilled your guts to me, that definitely classified us as friends."

Lauren laughed awkwardly. She and her girlfriend of nine had recently broken up, and she sure as hell wasn't handling the break up well. She had known; Camila for a little over a year, and she had always felt something between them. When she had finally acted on it, Camila admitted to having feelings for Lauren as well. The relationship had seemed to be working just fine, that was until Camila ended things a few weeks ago.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put all of that on you," Lauren grinned sheepishly. "It's just...it's hard to keep this in and I can't really talk about it with anyone I know personally because they don't seem to care." She shrugged sadly.

Rosalía smiled, "Hey, it's a part of the job," she laughed. "But no, seriously. It's all good, I didn't mind being your shoulder to cry on tonight. What's say we get out of here and I take you home?"

Lauren nodded, and drained the contents of her glass. Rosalía came next to her to ensure that she wouldn't topple over and injure herself. She had seen that way too much in her line of work.

"Where's your keys?" Rosalía asked Lauren, as they stepped into the parking lot, which was still practically filled with cars.

Lauren handed Rosalía her keys. She pressed the button to unlock the car to locate where it was.

Once both women were in the car, Rosalía directed her attention to Lauren, "Where to?"

She sighed heavily looking out the window, the pain in her chest she assumed would've faded away as she drank glass after glass. "I know it's a lot to ask, but can we just drive around for a bit? I kind of need a distraction."

Rosalía grinned. "Sure, my friends say I'm a great distractor." She pulled out of the parking lot and headed wherever the wind took her. Music playing softly in the background, and the sound of the passing cars were the only thing to be heard. "You're thinking about her, aren't you?" She asked softly when she hadn't heard anything from Lauren for quite some time.

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