#7: HURT

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It doesn't feel right with you gone,
It hurts too much to be left alone,
I know I was never in your plans,
But it doesn't feel right in her bed,
It hurts to know...


Lauren's POV

Have you ever met someone and they're so fucking perfect in every single way?

And maybe, they're not perfect to everyone else but they are to you.

They're just absolutely amazing.

The way they laugh. The way they smile, talk and look, every single thing about them that they do, they just keep on amazing you.

Sometimes you meet someone, and it's clear from the very start, that the two of you, on some level are meant to be together. As lovers, as friends, or as something entirely different. You just work together, whether you understand one another, or you're in love or just partners in crime. You're going to meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, in strange circumstances, and they help you feel alive.

I don't know if it makes me believe in coincidence, fate or maybe just sheer luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something.

When I met Camila, she made me feel again. I had locked my heart out to the world, and didn't want to feel anything after all the bullshit I've been through, but she came into my life like a whirlwind,and messed up my life in a way that I can't forget.

I couldn't regret any moment with her that we spent together.

The thing is, you can be in a relationship for two years and feel nothing; but yet, you could meet someone and be in a relationship for two weeks and feel every single thing you wanted to feel.

Time is not a measure of love.

I told her that I loved her after a month because I felt every single thing when I was with her. Those stupid butterflies, pure happiness... everything.

It took some time for her to say it back, but she did. And for once, I was happy.

But the thing about my happiness, is that it always finds a way to leave me.

We were toxic, and it's ironic because even though we were meant to be, I think that we met at the wrong time.

Not all toxic people are cruel and uncaring. In fact, some of them love us dearly, and many of them have good intentions. But most of them are toxic because in a sense, their needs, and way of existing forces us to compromise our ourselves and our happiness. That doesn't make them bad people, but they aren't the right people for us.

And as hard as it is, maybe it's best for us to let them go.

Life is hard enough as it is, but it's going to get harder having people in it who constantly bring us down. And as much as you care about them, you can't keep destroying yourself for the sake of someone else.

You have to make yourself a priority, whether you have to break up with the person, even if you care so deeply about them. Whether it's loving them from a distance, or removing yourself from a situation that feels painful, you have every right to leave and create a safer place for yourself.

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