#6: Dancing With A Stranger

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Look what you made me do,
I'm with somebody new,
Ooh, baby, baby, I'm dancing with a stranger...


Camila's POV

It's two in the morning and I can't sleep. Because every single time I shut my eyes, I see versions of you and I.

Versions of us that could've happened, if you wanted it to.

If you didn't leave and find someone new.

It breaks my heart every time I think of you and him together. I can't bear to imagine someone else's hands trailing over your body, his lips kissing your skin, and your heart belonging to him.

I can't bear the thought.

I have to because you didn't want me. I was never good enough for you.

"God, Camila!" You yelled out in frustration. "Don't you get it?! I. Don't. Want. To. Be. With. You."

You've told me that countless times, but I couldn't help it. I wanted you, with every fibre of my being, I wanted you.

I thought I could've made you change your mind and maybe you would've wanted me too.

But things don't always happen the way you want it to.

I felt that familiar ache in my heart, that I knew all too well. I felt it every single time I thought about you.

Why was it so hard to let go of you?

Especially when I knew you had moved on and that you were happier without me.

I'm just so damn tired of making permanent spaces in my heart for temporary people.

You were nothing but a fleeting moment, but yet I saw something longer between us. And I know, at some point you saw it too.

You wouldn't have let me in and showed me the cracks in the wall that you built around your heart. You wouldn't have let me hold you all night long, when you came crying to me at one in the morning, when those dreadful thoughts couldn't leave you alone.

You wouldn't have made love to me the way you did, if you didn't see something between us.

I learned to live without you though. But the thing is, I can never seem to forget you. That's the funny thing about love and being in love, because it took me months to try to forgive you for the hurt and pain that you caused me, but a piece of you is always going to remain with me.

No matter how badly I yearn to have you out of my heart.

I can't brush the good memories that we shared and sweep them under the rug as though they never happened or they didn't mean anything to me.

So, I feel like it's time now to put you in a safe place for new memories to be built. With someone new.

I haven't stopped loving you as yet, but I am desperately trying to.

I deserve to be happy again. Even if it's not with you, and God knows how badly that I wish that it was you.

Sometimes I am going to think about you, about us, and reminisce about the past. It doesn't mean that I miss you, it just simply means that I haven't forgotten who you used to be.

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