#12: Saturday Nights

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(A/N) This'll be a Maggie + Ariana one shot, since a few have been asking for it 🙄


Makeup on your face, try to hide the pain,
All the lies they look like the truth,
Deep in your heart, all you want is love,
But you never felt good enough,
You got wrapped up in other plans,
But this ain't the way the story ends...


Maggie's POV

Dear Me,

I am sorry.

I'm so sorry that you tried so desperately to fix others, when your own hands were shaking. I'm sorry that you didn't give you enough time to heal, that I let you seal the wounds of everyone else, whilst you were bleeding out.

I'm sorry that there were days when smiling hurt but you forced yourself to laugh so hard that no one had to worry about you. I'm sorry for the days that when it had hurt to breathe, but you allowed yourself to breathe into others, giving them the strength to carry on.

I'm sorry that you gave all of your time and effort to people who didn't give the same amount back to you.

I'm sorry that there were nights when you cried yourself to sleep and no one even bothered to ask why or understand why.

And I am so so sorry that I did not love you, like you deserved to be loved.

I've extended myself to some who were afraid to catch me.

I've extended myself to others who were unwilling to reach me.

I've extended myself to a few who turned the lights off as I got closer, but I'm trying to not waste my energy on irrelevant people anymore.

I sighed, picking at the loose threads on my jeans. My parents weren't home, as usual, and my brother; Jesse was out with his girlfriend, and my sister; Veronica, well I could only assume she was alive, so I had nothing to do. And I definitely wasn't in the mood to deal with friends.

I just wanted to be left alone, but my friends were blowing up my phone. I put out my cigarette and crossed my room to grab my phone; answering it, I realised it was one of my close and most dear friend; Ariana Grande.

We've known each other for about ten years. I met her at my eight birthday party, when my parents had just dumped me in the park with my brother and sister, while they were off attending to some business partner, or whatever. I tried to block that part out of my memory.

"Mags, hey!" Ariana's cheerful voiced filled my ears, I couldn't help but smile, even though I didn't want to. "I've been trying to call you for the past...forever. Where were you?"

I sighed heavily, tossing myself back into bed. "Wallowing in self pity. Why?"

Do you remember your first heartbreak?

I'm not talking about romantically, I mean, when your dad or your mom first broke your heart?

Do you remember how much it ached? How you started to view yourself after that?

I vividly remember mine, but the thing is, my parents break my heart more and more everyday, and I want to leave, I really do, but something within me keeps me here, thinking that they'll change, but deep down, I know that they won't.

If you know that you did everything on your end for someone and they still walk out just like that, allow them to.

Honestly? You should just let them leave.

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