2. The gift

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Necklace up top the rest of the jewelry is cute though 🍩

Katakuri's mind had been a blank for most of the day. He was a man of action, he fought, killed, and kept a brave face. He had never had to do things concerning to love or winning the attention of another. With confused eyes he looked out to the sea staring as if it would give him the answer he had needed.

But to no avail he still couldn't understand what he could do to get (Y/N) to notice him. He wanted you to understand, to take him seriously. Yes he could tell you to be in a relationship with him, but it didn't feel right.

That's not how he wanted to do this, it's not how he wanted you to see him. He wanted to be the man you could love, not one you felt obligated to say yes to because of who he was. He thought long and hard about his mother's past and her many husbands.

Of course non of his mother's marriages were based on love only her wanting to have as many kids as she could, to achieve her dream kicking the men to the curb after they were born like trash. He had faintly remembered all the men showering his mother with gifts so they could be in her favor.

He nodded he finally had an idea that's what he'd do, he will give you a gift so you can see that he's interested. Thinking this was his best bet he set off in sweet city trying to find out what would be the perfect gift. He looked through the shops looking for things that would seem well made but appropriate.

The last thing he wanted to do was look like a complete creep. He came to a stop when he seen a particular necklace caught his eye, it was a bit childish but it did represent him in some way. It was a small doughnut on a silver chain, he thought you would like it as well knowing you love doughnuts just as much as baking them.

That was something else he had come to appreciate about you. That you always liked to hear about his interest, you really listened. No one had really ever asked him what he wanted or was anything wrong, but with you that wasn't the case.

You always asked him how he was or how was he doing with his duties. When he would come back for long journeys you would look at him with happy eyes letting him know you missed him. You even always made fresh doughnuts for him every morning when he came knowing they were his favorite.

Katakuri walked into the shop and purchased the necklace, deciding to not get it wrapped wanting to just hand it to you so you didn't have to open it later. He wanted to see your reaction, no he needed to see it.

He wanted you to like it, he wanted to see that smile that he had grown so accustomed to seeing the one that gave him that heart racing feeling. He started to head towards the cafe until he ran into his sister Pudding, "nii-san what are you doing here shouldn't you be off doing duties."

Katakuri shook his head with arms crossed acting as if he had nothing interesting to say giving her a bored look. He had to act normal, getting rid of any type of excitement in his face. None of his siblings could know, that was the last thing he wanted.

His family was very hostile and judgmental towards others who weren't family. He had never seen Pudding do that but he could never be to safe, this is the one thing he had to hide from his family no matter what. Katakuri could see it now as soon as he finds happiness in this woman, his siblings would snatch it away especially sense it was dealing with him.

They looked at him in high praise Katakuri knew for a fact that his siblings wouldn't like him bringing a woman into his life, they would think you were a distraction and a nuisance to him. He looked down at Pudding he had to get rid of her she had yet to show any signs of leaving, giving him the hint that she would no doubt stay to walk with him.

"Your shop is it empty right now? Customers might be coming in?" She gasped turning around not even leaving with so much as a goodbye as she ran back to her own bakery. Katakuri sighed in relief the last thing he needed was someone stopping his plan that he had set.

He walked to the cafe getting closer and closer, his nerves were getting the best of him till he became anxious. As he got closer all he could think of is will you like it, will you reject the gift. He wouldn't use his future vision when the time came he couldn't, he wanted to see your reaction all on his own. He walked into the cafe with a heavy feeling in his chest like it was tightening with every step he took. As he opened the door he saw you drawing on flyers, looking more closely they were help wanted flyers. He didn't want to interrupt you because she seemed very into what you were doing, but he didn't want to startle you either.

Katakuri cleared his throat catching your attention. "Katakuri-sama hi, are you here for your daily doughnuts." Katakuri shook his head, he didn't plan out what he would say he just wanted to hand it over but then his point wouldn't get across. "I wanted to give you something to show how important you are too me" Katakuri pulled out the necklace and held it in front of you. Your eyes gleamed with interest. "Katakuri-sama its so cute do u mind putting it on me"

Katakuri smiled under his scarf giving a firm nod he went behind her clicking the necklace into place and watching you with an observant eye. You held the doughnut in your hand smiling. You turned around and with a big smile on your face you bowed deeply to him. Katakuri thought this was it you finally understood what you meant to him, that his feelings were finally understood.

"Thank you Katakuri-sama this was so kind of you and I understand that I am an important baker to you! I may not be able to be one of your personal chefs but I will always make you doughnuts free of charge!" To say that Katakuri's world came down on him in an instant was an understatement. You couldn't tell by the scarf but he closed and opened his mouth wondering why this didn't work.

He wanted to ask why you were being so clueless, but he decided against it not wanting to cause a scene in front of your customers. Katakuri gave her a firm nod not even giving you a second glance before walking out of the door. He had to try again, and this time he would get it right.

Katakuri thought of receiving help but who would he ask, he couldn't ask any of his siblings, and he didn't have any friends or any female experience of his own. He would just have to hope for the best and get through it one step at a time.

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now