7.Keeping a secret

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 (I love the picture up top because its just so amazing but weird how he does that he eats in front of people we just cant catch him doing it lol Oda explanation also up top too)

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(I love the picture up top because its just so amazing but weird how he does that he eats in front of people we just cant catch him doing it lol Oda explanation also up top too)

That night Katakuri had stayed at
(y/n's) house not wanting to leave after he had finally gotten the girl he wanted. They had fell asleep on the couch wrapped up in each others arms, well more of Katakuri holding her to his chest tightly while she lays on top of him. Katakuri had showed a whole new different side to him, he had cuddled her the whole night and if she had tried to get up he would hold her tighter telling her she wasn't going anywhere. The only exception he had made was the bathroom. It was cute that he was being so cuddly yet so possessive, she wasn't used to it but now she guessed she would have to be.

(Y/n) opened her eyes to see that it was now morning and she was still wrapped in the giant mans arms. She tried twisting to test if he would wake up or not and he didn't, she slid from the mans arms quietly moving towards her room. She had taken a shower and made her way to the kitchen, she wanted Katakuri to have breakfast when he woke up. She then started to set the table putting the breakfast on the plates. It was more of a dessert she knows that the man loves his sweets, she didn't doubt that he ate them ever single day for every meal.

She then paused, she had remembered something important from last night, that woman

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She then paused, she had remembered something important from last night, that woman. The reason that she had went to see Katakuri in the first places, she was his girlfriend. (Y/n) had felt horrible she had a sick feeling in her chest, she had let another woman's boyfriend stay in her house. Getting her out of her thoughts she felt two strong arms wrapped her pulling her off of the floor and into a hard chest. "What did i tell you about leaving my side (y/n)" "Katakuri we cant do this" Katakuri gave a hard glare, tightening his hold on her "I thought i told you that i dont care for your opinions that you are mine regardless" "But you have a girlfriend"

Katakuri looked at her like she had grown a second head until he had remembered she saw him with Pudding, she still thought she was his girlfriend. "Pudding is not my girlfriend she is my sister" (y/n) looked at him still not sure, its like she was conflicted on believe him or not. "Have you ever heard of a place called Caramel" (y/n) nodded her head of course she has, every baker had known about the place it was run by one of big moms children she was the best on coco island. "Yes Charlotte Pudding" (y/n) stopped mid sentence she was an idiot, how could she not realize that was his sister they had the same last name, and she also should have noticed when she heard the name the first time coming out of the girls mouth. She just didn't know what Pudding had look liked, but with this new found information (y/n) let out a huge sigh.

She wasn't doing anything wrong, Katakuri was single, he had stayed true to his word. To say (y/n) was happy was an understatement she was ecstatic, she couldn't believe that the man that everyone had worshiped, had so much respect for, was now her boyfriend. "(Y/n) now that you know she is my sister i need to let some things be known." She nodded not knowing were this was going but him not flat out saying something bad was a good sigh to her. As they sat down (y/n) began to eat her breakfast while Katakuri had eaten his meal in a strange way. It seemed as though every time the man took a bite she could never see him do it. When they got finished Katakuri stared at her, she didn't know why but that look sent shivers down her spine, she just couldn't point out if it was in a good or bad way. "We need to keep us a secret" (Y/n) looked at him with blank eyes, not really showing any emotion. She should have known something was wrong nothing ever went good with others for this long when it came to her. "I know you may be embarrassed to be seen with me but am i really that ... bad" Katakuri stood from his seat walking over towards he bending down his legs so he was closer to her face, not at eye level though. He grabbed her cheeks roughly before bringing her face up to look at him. "I would never be ashamed of you, i wouldn't have done everything i did to get you to notice me if i was, understand" (Y/n) nodded its not like she could talk anyway, Katakuri let go of her face sitting back in his seat looking down at her. "I say that because my family is very, i would say judgmental of people who are not family, to them your life really means nothing to them because you are not blood even if you are with me."

(Y/n) took every thing he said in, she honestly would hate to meet any of his family now. "And not only that, i am what you would call the favorite sibling to all of them, so knowing i had a girlfriend i do not think they would take a liking to you at all, they will look down on you so please be careful around them if they are near." (Y/n) nodded her head now more scared than ever, she honestly does not know what she would do if she ran into one of the Charlotte siblings.

"And tomorrow i want you to spend the day with my sister Pudding, she helped me confess to you so i would like you two to get to know each other more."

(Y/n) nodded now that she knows the truth about Pudding she could already see herself and the young girl getting along, she thought it was sweet how his younger sister helped him. If she had siblings she would be lucky to have one like that, she just hope she didn't mess up the chance to impress her, (y/n) already took heed of Katakuri's warning about his siblings. Helping Katakuri confess to her she believed that maybe Pudding had already liked her in some way, she just wouldn't help him be with a girl she didn't approve of right?

"(Y/n), before you meet her i just want you to know that she is very important to me and so is her happiness. So make sure you both get along alright"

Pulling her into his lap (y/n) gave a firm nod with a determined look on her face, Katakuri smiled he really hoped they would get along well, the only other girl who's opinion mattered about as much as Puddings was Brûlée's but he couldn't risk her knowing just yet Katakuri knows how she gets.

(Y/n ) may have had a determined look on her face but on the inside she was terrified.

She really hoped Pudding liked her.

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