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Jun at the top

It had been weeks sense Katakuri had been to (y/n's) bakery, it felt like a new experience for him walking into the cafe again. As soon as he stepped through the door (y/n) came running towards him, faster than he had ever seen her move. "Katakuri-sama i am so sorry if i did something to offend you i didn't mean it" (y/n) bowed deeply to him. Katakuri said nothing, he was surprised that she had knew she did something to upset him. But he was no fool, he knew she didn't know the true reason that he was upset. "It was nothing i just needed time to myself"
"Oh i see"
(y/n) walked away head held down. He hated her now she felt it, he was not his usual self around her anymore, his warm eyes now cold and bored. (Y/n)  walked towards the back, the least she could do was make doughnuts for him. That seems like the only thing she was good for to him, (y/n)  looked down at the necklace Katakuri had given her. She would never take it off even if he hated her its the first gift she had received from someone other than her parents. "Y/n-Chan whats wrong you seem so sad." Jun her new worker, over the week he had been here and the both of them had become close he was a good friend. "That man Katakuri he just came back i was so happy to see him but just as i thought i upset him." Jun looked at (y/n) with pity in his eyes then he gave a tight glare he walked out while her back was turned and walked towards were Katakuri was sitting. Jun looked up at the giant man, yes he knew who he was, yes he could get himself hurt, but he was not afraid. "If you are going to upset (y/n) after she worried about you for a whole week then just leave your presence is upsetting her because of how your treating her" Katakuri looked down at the man fist clenched tight and his eyebrows furrowed. He wasn't going to be talked to liked that, especially by some commoner who didn't even know what he was talking about. Katakuri picked up the man by his throat, Jun kicked back and forth clawing at Katakuri's gloved hand trying to get free. Gasp and whispers went throughout the cafe bringing (y/n's) attention from the back to see what the commotion was. She covered her mouth and shock and looked in confusion she doesn't know what happen but she had to stop this. "Katakuri let him go wha are you doing!" "Who is this boy, he is disrespectful" "He's my employee now please put him down just take your doughnuts and go ill take responsibility for anything he did." Katakuri looked down at (y/n) giving her a look she had never seen from him it scared her, she took a few steps back not knowing what was going to happen next. Katakuri dropped the boy on the floor giving her one last look before he stalked out of the cafe. (Y/n) looked down at Jun sadness in her eyes, how did it come to this. She was so happy to see Katakuri everyday but now things had changed, he had changed and she didn't know why. "Just run after the jerk" (Y/n) looked down at Jun shocked at what he had said. "I know you like the guy so I'm not gonna judge, but be careful he's got a temper on him." She nodded running out the door and down the street searching for Katakuri, she try's maneuvering her way through the crowds until she got a glimpse of a far away figure. It had to be Katakuri it just had to be, she didn't know any other citizens who were as tall as him. As (y/n)  ran towards him something stopped her cold in her tracks, he was holding hands with a woman, and she was beautiful. Her heart felt like it was being twisted, she moved forward she had to apologize again even if he hated her, she had to let him know how sorry she was.

"Katakuri-sama" He turned towards (y/n) with a surprise look in his eye shocked that she had actually ran after him. The woman looked at her as well tilting her head to the side, wondering who this new face was. "Again i am sorry, I know i did something to upset you but i don't know what, i will make your doughnuts and give them to you everyday without bothering you i know all i am is a baker to you." Katakuri looked like he wanted to say something but before he could interrupt (y/n) continued "I was very worried about you and i know you hate me but it is my fault i ruined our friendship somehow, but i am glad you found someone to make you happy, the reason you needed time to yourself i see it now, congrats on your relationship both of you come by any time."

With those final words (y/n) ran away there she had done it. (Y/n) could hear Katakuri call her name but she kept running it would be embarrassing to hear what he had to say after she had said such things. But as much as it hurt her to say those things it had to be done. Katakuri unknown to him was her first friend, her past is not a pretty one but she try's to get through it everyday with a smile. Katakuri was the one to put a true smile on her face, not the forced ones she tried to give herself every morning. But now she had done it, just like all the other times she ruined her own chances of having happiness, of having a friend.

You screwed up

Just like you always do

You're a screw up

Just like you always had been

As (y/n) made her way back to her cafe she didn't say a word to Jun, staying in the back baking all the food while Jun brought it out for the customers. For the first time since she moved to Totto land she did not enjoy  making food for others. What was the point of trying to make others happy if the one person she wanted to make happy hated her.

As Katakuri watched (y/n) run away he looked confused, confused on how she thought so little of herself, she was more to him than just a baker,confused on how she thought he could ever hate her, confused on why she had thought he had a girlfriend. He looked down at Pudding giving her a look she had never see come from her brother. He had so much confusion and hurt in his eyes, then and there she knew who the woman who had ran away from them was. "That's the girl you like isn't it Katakuri" he didn't say a word just nodding his head while looking down at the grown. "Well we are holding hands, and if she is new around her she doesn't know me, which is why she thought we were dating. But don't worry we will fix this, we will get you to finally confess." Katakuri looked at Pudding raising a brow motioning her to continue, "Just trust me ok i got this under control already" Katakuri just nodded listing to his sister explain the plan that will be in motion tomorrow morning. He just hoped he could pull it off, it seems like the more he try's (y/n) gets further and further away from him.

"So here is whats going to happen i am going lead her to that willow tree you told me about, and you will be there while i mysteriously disappear and before she can say anything you just straight out tell her everything"

"How would you even agree to get her to come out there?"

"I will just tell her i need her to deliver the sweets there for us to have a picnic"

"And if she refuses, sending someone else?"

"I'll handle them, then she wont have a choice"

He hoped this worked.

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now