31.Settle the score

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Sorry for the delay in chapter guys, like I said I'm in college so I had a paper to write and a math test to study for so I'm gonna post today and hopefully tomorrow for you guys as well and with luck again I hope you enjoy please comment and vote

I have a dirty mind I'm so sorry for this picture lol

I have a dirty mind I'm so sorry for this picture lol

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Brûlée's house was filled with instant silence. All of Katakuri's siblings who had ridiculed and harmed (y/n) were all in the room. True to his word Katakuri did invite his siblings over, but you couldn't believe that they had actually shown up to apologize. You sat there waiting and waiting. Honestly, a part of you could care less what these people had to say, although another part of you wanted to forgive these people. But only for the sake of your peace of mind and Katakuri. Your family was on one side while his siblings were on the other, neither side said a word. Brûlée and Pudding sat outside the circle being neutral, not wanting to fight with family but also not wanting to fight with (y/n) knowing she did nothing wrong. Oven looked nervous while he sat with his siblings, yes he did hurt you but he had apologized for it unknown to his family. Mont-d-Or apparently got tired of the silence and decided to speak up himself.

"Sooooo you gonna apologize first or what"

You looked at him like he had grown two heads, how dumb could this man possibly be. If he thought you were honestly going to apologize first yet alone at all, then he's batshit crazy. You looked at Katakuri wanting to roll your eyes telling him you told him so. His siblings were nothing but stuck up jerks who were too prideful to even think they did something wrong.

"No I'm not gonna apologize first, in fact, I'm not gonna apologize at all, you can all kiss my ass if that's how you feel. I did nothing wrong all I did was love your brother and you all try to basically kill me like the psychos you are."

"Katakuri no offense but you really should have fucked the sister"

Everybody stopped bickering after that, complete silence filled the room once again. But this time everyone waited for Katakuri to respond to the statement. You looked at him waiting, patiently waiting for him to defend you, yet he just held his face in his hands.
It hurt, after everything that's happened, and after all the hard work you put in for your relationship, he had gone back into his old ways. You weren't going to sit here and take this, you weren't going to let the love of your life hurt you by not speaking up. You decided to walk away before you said anything stupid. Nodding to your family they all got up in sync with you following you out the door, but your dad was never the one to walk away quietly.

" Your a grown ass man wearing clown makeup, you should be worrying about your own love life because its hard to even consider you having one, do better"

"Now dear what about that nice marine man we met Rosinante, he wore clown makeup"

"That's different regardless of the make up he was a handsome and nice man, the walking cheese over there, however, doesn't have any of those qualities."

You couldn't have asked for better parents.

Later that night you and Katakuri laid on opposite sides of the bed both of you refusing to talk to each other. You just couldn't suck up your pride and bring yourself to talk to him, how could he not say anything when his brother had said that. No, you didn't think Katakuri would ever cheat on you with your sister. He would have done it when he had the chance if that's the case, but then why didn't he speak up back there?


You looked at him perplexed, what exactly did he mean why. A lot of things happened today so you had asked yourself that same question, why.

"What do you mean why Katakuri"

"Why did you have to just walk out like you don't give a damn, after all I do for you and all I put at risk for you and you're telling me you can't even make peace with my siblings just for some pettiness"

You looked at Katakuri bewildered, did he honestly forget everything his siblings had put you through

"Are you serious Katakuri! do you know how much bullshit your siblings put me through! They attacked me and burned down my cafe!"

"(Y/n) if you don't get past things like this how do you expect us to be together if you can't get along with my family"

"I thought you didn't care what they thought anymore"

"True, I don't care what they think about us being together, but I love my family and I love you I love you with all my heart but I least want you all to be cordial with one another and they were willing but you didn't want to participate"

"They wanted me to apologize for nothing!"

"Well you did punch Mont-d-Or in the face"

" AND HE DESERVED IT! No you know what I'm not going to argue with you, I'm going to end up saying something I will regret later"

You jumped out of the bed without another word and made your way out the door

"And where are you going"

"To my family were else"

Katakuri didn't even attempt to chase after you he turned over in the bed trying to find sleep.

You walked towards Hinata's room not wanting to wake up your parents and Kotaro. You felt like you had to get to know your little brother a little more so he can adjust better around you and everyone else.

You gave three firm knocks to his door before entering. He's only 7 years old how much privacy could he need. You looked around not seeing anyone till you saw the closet light on, what could Hinata be doing in the closet? Slowly making your way towards the door you heard sniffling, you slowly opened the door not wanting to startle the young boy.

"Hinata, what's wrong"

He turned around gasping, he quickly rubbed his eyes trying to wipe away the drying tears on his face.

"I-I'm fine"

"No your not, please don't lie to me, I know I'm a stranger right now but I'm still your sister"

"I just don't want you to judge me"

"I would never, I've been judged for most of my life, whatever you're going through I promise I won't judge"

"My- my real name isn't Hinata"

"What do you mean"

"You remember when mom said I was useless and ruined her and dads life, well it is kind of true"

"No, it can't be true"

"It kinda is, my real name is Haruto they just called me Hinata because it sounded more girly. Dad talked to this other business man who wanted to have some type of deal, I don't know why but they wanted a girl my age. But they only had me so...so they.... they dressed me up as a girl and changed my name. They... they took me to this white room and they tried to inject me with something but I didn't stay still... I saw the doctor he had a small saw like thing..... sis please I don't want to talk about this anymore please PLEASE!"

You quickly wrapped your arms around Haruto and held him close to comfort him. You had no idea what the young boy had gone through but you did not like where it was going. The thought that they were trying to force him to be a girl, and for who. The more you thought about the more you realized how sick and twisted it sounded. The whole night you comforted your brother, hoping that he wouldn't have nightmares from the information you had learned. You felt so guilty, you didnt want him to remember anything from his past that he feared. But it still weighed on your mind, what exactly were they trying to do to your brother.

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