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You had thought you would see the last of the Charlotte siblings, but like last time you weren't so luck. They had come to visit your shop often, but it was only when Pudding was there. You could deal with that, it was no harm done and you weren't annoyed by there presence that much. But when they had learned Katakuri was in the cafe almost everyday, that's when the madness had started. You seen the childish Charlotte's more than you would have liked to, not only that you had to act like a complete stranger towards Katakuri and vice versa. They would all sit at Katakuri's favorite table and order you around like you were they're servant, you could see that it got to Katakuri but you gave him a faint smile every often to let him know that it was alright.

"You, girl, bring me more cakes", you gave a faint sigh, you honestly were disliking them by the second but if it was for Katakuri you would endure it. You brought more cakes out to the rowdy siblings and headed back towards the staff room. When you entered Jun gave you a look that you knew all to well, he was upset with you. "Why don't you just kick them out just because they're his siblings does not mean they can walk all over you, and he isn't even stop them, I told you he was no good." You sighed, you knew how much Katakuri didn't like Jun, and the man himself had just as much distaste for Katakuri but there wasn't much you could do about that. "It's fine really as long as they pay me I don't care how much noise they talk." It was true you weren't going to let those people get to you, in all honesty you felt sad for them, they're probably afraid of there own mother and still living with her following her every command at their age, you honestly couldn't fear people like that. That's why you had did your best to deal with them, you knew dating Katakuri meant he was going against his mother, you knew that pudding being your best friend telling you all about their household was going against her mother. You were proud of them it may have been in secret but they were trying their best to live they're own life and make they're own decisions. You walk back out to see the three finally getting ready to leave but as they walk towards the door you realized they didn't even pay. You walk towards the door blocking the entrance, "Excuse me you didn't pay" Galette rolled her eyes and so did Mont-d-Or, Amande moved to the front and pushing you with great force to the side. You had hit the front register hitting your head hard when you landed face first to the ground. Jun had rushed to the front, seeing you on the grown he got on his knees resting your head in his lap, "are you alright" you gave a small nod you were in pain and didn't think talking was a good option right now.

Katakuri had gotten up from his seat, he may have looked calm to anyone else but you could tell by his cold eyes that he was angry. He went towards his siblings outside you couldn't hear what they were saying but you knew it had to be something serious by the surprised looks on the three Charlotte's faces.

"What the hell was that" the three looked at Katakuri with wide eyes, they all had the same thought why did they're brother sound so upset. "Whats wrong Katakuri, we are higher up and she live's on mama's island we don't have to pay if we don't want to and besides her getting in our way wasn't respectful either." Katakuri looked at his siblings with cold eyes, it may have been wrong for him to act this way, he could give away the secret. But he didn't care they had just hurt the woman he had cared so much about and had been treating her like they're own personal slave for the past week. It upset him before of course but (y/n) had put on a brave face just for him, but he wouldn't stand for this anymore.
"You are banned from coming here ever again you will not harm or torment my baker anymore understand." The siblings gasped not expecting him to actually go as far as banning them from somewhere. "But we think that girl is using pudding!, just to get her cafe more business or who knows what else, thats the only reason we come here to watch her." "Pudding is a grown woman who makes her own choices she doesn't need to be watched like a child, and an innocent woman doesn't need to be hurt because of your suspicions now leave and don't let me see you in here again" The siblings just looked at they're older brother with wide eyes and mouths while watching their older brother go inside.

As they walked away Katakuri came back in and set money on your counter, he glared down at Jun and picked you up from his lap and headed out the door. You were glad that no one was in the cafe but you three, the Charlotte's didn't want anyone to disturb them so they kicked your customers out. It annoyed you to no end but your regulars assured you it was no problem and promised to return the next day. You and Katakuri were almost out the door when Jun spoke up, "It's about time you did something about your siblings, (Y/n) you don't have to hide the fact that you two are dating I'm not stupid just know you could always do better because if he cared enough he would have stopped this ages ago." And with that Jun made his way back to the staff room probably to finish closing up the cafe. Katakuri didn't say a word back to him but you knew it had gotten to him his fingers tightened around your leg and side while he held you bridal style. He walked out remaining completely silent, you knew what Jun said was bothering him but you decided to let it go until you both got to your home. It was night not many people were out but you admired how cute this was even though you head was pounding. The way Katakuri held you close to his warm chest while the cold night air blew around you. You buried your face more into his chest not wanting to let go of that heat, it was not until you both made it to your home that he let you down.

He sat you down on the couch, walking over to a lazy boy taking his seat crossing his legs, he said nothing only looked at you with his legs crossed. You were glad you had regular and bigger furniture from the last person who lived here, it was convenient for your giant boyfriend. You closed your eyes finding peace in the silence, you knew Katakuri would only speak when he was ready, and finished gathering his thoughts. The silence was broken soon enough "I apologize for my siblings I told them they are not allowed to come back, that you were my baker I won't let them disrespect you like that. And I hate to admit it but that boy was right I should have done something even when you said you were fine I'm disappointed that I didn't see it, I'm upset that my sibling did that to you, I'm angry that the jackass was right." You tried you best to sit up but your head was killing you so you just decided to look up at the ceiling while you speak "don't be upset at least they wont be back to bother me right." Katakuri got up and walked towards you he bent down getting on his knees looking at you with pure curiosity, he took off his glove and reached out towards you.

His hand grabbed your face gently while his thumb caressed your cheek, he moved down towards your neck rubbing gentle circles on it before picking you back up for a split second to lay you across his lap. He gently rubbed his fingers through your hair giving a tiny massage to your scalp. You didn't know that he was capable of being this gentle you found your self wanting to doze off but you forced yourself to stay awake.

You almost fell into the darkness until Katakuri got your attention "(y/n) know that you'll always be mine and I will always make sure that you will come back to me if you ever decided to leave, I'd never let anyone else have you" You looked at him with hazy eyes, the pain of in your head and the gentleness of his hands had you saying whatever came to mind first. "I like being yours" with those final words you gave into the darkness letting sleep over take you.

Katakuri looked down at you watching you as you slept peacefully on his lap. He thought about Jun how the boy was always there and how he would always speak on your behalf, he acted as if he was your protector, as if you were important to him, as if you were his. He didn't like it, Katakuri doubted he would ever like him, Katakuri felt as if he would try to interfere with the both of you and mess up your relationship one day.

"Good because I would kill for you if I had to, I really would."
When he said it out loud not once did he think he was crazy for saying it, because he knew how serious his statement was.

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now